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19 July, 2007 at 5:56 pm #7474
Tonight, Channel 4 10.30.
My kinda girls :D
19 July, 2007 at 9:29 pm #278107will watch n see eh ? visited prague recently on an all girls beer fest, accidently made a wrong choice with one of the girls and ended up in a neo nazi bar ???? serious shxx on the walls roof and tables as in defending hitler, mengele auchvitz etc. we had been sitting happily chatting about politics in general [yes i know we should get out more] after leaving the rest of the gang tartin about n were a bit too attached for that scene. we noticed almost at the same time what kind of bar we were in and beat a very hasty retreat and i dont mind saying i was pretty fekkin frit. anyway upshot is, as much as i moan about england or britain whatever i was pretty happy in the knowlege we dont sink to those deapths in our country and expect to get away with it. or is it that they have a far greater freedom of speach ????? this lill baby has kept me thinking for days… views please x x x
20 July, 2007 at 7:02 am #278108Views on…?
Views on Eastern Europe? Large right wing minorities (ironic considering how much they suffered 60 years ago under Hitler) fuelled by a hatred of communism and still stunned by a freedom which has been simply foisted upon them after years of government control and dont know how to deal with it so all the boundaries are pushed at the same time to see how far you can go before someone says enough-
still, guarranteed a great sh/ag tho :wink:
Czech Republic isnt as bad as some of the other Balkan countries (Serbia and Croatia are very strange places)
Freedom of speech? If you can openly flout that Mengele did not wrong and Treblinka was a holiday camp then perhaps you could argue they have more freedom of speech than we do…but would you reallly want that?
Or was it a theme bar? You could try it at your pub Wasp- a Nazi Knees up followed by a Swastika Soiree?
Maybe not
Ultimately Wasp- no matter what you think of this country, its only when you go else where do you think that its not so bad here after all
20 July, 2007 at 9:32 am #278109When you see the attitudes of many of these East European Neanderthals, it’s great to be able to sit back with a smile on our face thinking how far advanced our society is compared to theirs. Yes sir! :)
20 July, 2007 at 10:41 am #278110I was half scared to watch the documentary Emma.As id seen an earlier one ,where the girls were cutesie pie kids.singing songs of white power,in little voices.Yet i was convinced back then,that IF they had seen singing twinkle twinkle little star,they would not have known the difference.
I watched last nights,and one of the main things i can say is,,That damm woman is gonna lose these girls .! She has a personal Hatred of blacks etc.and spoon feeds them their every reply and response.Yet you seen with your own eyes,,they DONT want to be doing it,and would rather record their mediocre folky material.
she has tried to sell her kids to the hard core far right,who agreed they would “die” for them!
Im glad i did watch it now.even to see the readtions of the girls when they point blank refused to agree with her damm weird ways. They WILL rebel and probably change tact,bin the mother from hell and settle down with the granny,chasing squrrels and loving everyone !theres showbiz mothers,,and beleive me i know a few ! but this was sick to encourage mere children to beleive singing dittys of hate made them popular….
Poor wee lassies…made pin ups of at a tender age..this is abuse !
20 July, 2007 at 8:54 pm #278111@slayer wrote:
Ultimately Wasp- no matter what you think of this country, its only when you go else where do you think that its not so bad here after all
Not a very inteligent thing to say there slayer. If its a dictatorship in one country, but its even worse somewhere else, that dictatorship is ok :roll:
21 July, 2007 at 12:08 pm #278112@emmalush wrote:
Tonight, Channel 4 10.30.
My kinda girls :D
I didnt see the programme but when I first read Emma’s post, I thought it was a history of German Lesbian Porn! :shock:
21 July, 2007 at 1:52 pm #27811322 July, 2007 at 10:57 pm #278114THATS cos u two above have dirty minds :) i Knew fine of them being a child band..2 wee blonde lassies that are made to strum songs of sheer white supremacy..
i was kinda scared to watch it..i thought id better NOT,,but like most demanding documentaries im GLAD i did !
the mothers a loony and she embarrasses them..she comes from THAT much Hatred,of a racialist father who says black man raped his farm animals etc !
looking at him he appeared to be more miffed the Token black male got in there first !
they move about the USA as everyone detests the mummy..those poor wee white gals..
and the tiny wee sister called ..wait fot it…”dresden” !! who learns phonetic alphabet A is for Aryan…etc..Lock that cow up! and give her kids to folks that care !
sheest me and the kids and grandkids are aryan blondes ! I prefer to celebrate my Swedish roots than to declare my reich kinder ones !
seig heil …(chuckles)
23 July, 2007 at 12:15 am #278115@rubyred wrote:
Lock that cow up! and give her kids to folks that care !
RED fascism, yes fascism is a lefty ideal.
What you seen in that documentary must not be taken as the absolute. Channel 4 is a left wing fascist media company, the interviewer is left wing, the entire documentary was designed to show the family in a bad way.
It was quite ironic, that towards the end of the programme, the interviewer described the girls Prusian Blue future as shakey, that they wern’t interested like they used to be, yet in the closing credits, their set for a european tour.
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