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  • #225672

    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    I think the Queen’s a very nice person, but I’d vote for anyone who promised to get rid of the Royal Family.

    Vive la Republique! 8)

    A Republic eh? I guess that means a President in place of a Constitutional Monarchy.

    Can you just imagine President Blair??? Or worse still President Brown??? It’s bad enough with these two squabbling over power as it is and generally making a total mess of running the country, God knows what it would be like if they had absolute power.


    @slayer wrote:

    @emmalush wrote:,,30100-13528096,00.html

    “would not be considered for parole for atleast 5 years and 108 days”.

    Do you EVER imagine the pain and anguish family members go through when the above happens?

    Why do you vote for a society that doesnt punish evil?

    How do I vote for “society”- I am currently only able to vote for politicians, celebrities on reality TV shows and eejuts in Big Brother- I can’t vote for judges either

    Shame becuase this could have been a good thread to debate sentencing and justice, however you chose to make a cheap political point out of a childs rape.

    And as for your sanctimonious (look it up) clap trap about “Do you EVER….etc”- many on here have children, dont be so presumptious to assume we don’t spend a few minutes thinking of a family involved in this

    So you agree that we need to vote out a political party that creates the kind of criminalised society we now have.

    Glad to have you onboard.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    I think the Queen’s a very nice person, but I’d vote for anyone who promised to get rid of the Royal Family.

    Vive la Republique! 8)

    A Republic eh? I guess that means a President in place of a Constitutional Monarchy.

    Can you just imagine President Blair??? Or worse still President Brown??? It’s bad enough with these two squabbling over power as it is and generally making a total mess of running the country, God knows what it would be like if they had absolute power.

    What power does the queen have?


    Emma, i’m not cfonvinced that this current Government actually created a ”criminalised society” that you say we now have. Mind you it may be that the bleeding heart trendy lefty do-gooders have helped to create an environment where some crimes are seen as being OK, or a ‘cry for help’ and so on.

    The basic point is that New Labour passed the current law relating to sentencing protocols in 2003 (and which took effect in April 2005) and it is specifically this that has caused the current issue on sentencing and the public outcry over leniency.

    ”Dr” John Reid frankly has a cheek criticising the Judiciary for passing lenient sentences when it was his Home Office that pushed for and forced through the Criminal Justice Act 2003 and it is specifically this law that binds the Judges hands. They can’t blame the Tories for this one !!!

    Remind me…. who was it that said ”Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime”??? Yes it was yet another meaningless soundbite from the failed musician.


    @emmalush wrote:

    [What power does the queen have?

    As constitutional head of state Emma, the reigning Monarch has the power to dissolve Parliament. This might not sound too exciting BUT if we had an elected dictatorship who were acting in such a way as to oppress the people, then the Monarch could force a dissolution of Parliament and thus a General Election.

    OK it may be an extreme but it is the ultimate line across which a politician cannot tread. The Monarch also has to give the Royal Assent to Bills in order that they may have the force of law. Without this Assent, laws cannot be enacted.

    The Monarch is also the titular head of the armed forces. There are a number of other arcane duties and responsibilities on top of these but taken together the Monarch acts as a check or balance on politicians who may become dictatorial and forget that we live in a democracy.

    The monarch is the ultimate guarantor of your freedoms.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Emma, i’m not cfonvinced that this current Government actually created a ”criminalised society” that you say we now have. Mind you it may be that the bleeding heart trendy lefty do-gooders have helped to create an environment where some crimes are seen as being OK, or a ‘cry for help’ and so on.

    The nazi lefty do-gooders bend the political ears of new labour.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @emmalush wrote:

    [What power does the queen have?

    As constitutional head of state Emma, the reigning Monarch has the power to dissolve Parliament. This might not sound too exciting BUT if we had an elected dictatorship who were acting in such a way as to oppress the people, then the Monarch could force a dissolution of Parliament and thus a General Election.

    We have a dictatorship, why doesnt she disolve parliament?

    The Monarch also has to give the Royal Assent to Bills in order that they may have the force of law. Without this Assent, laws cannot be enacted.

    “the royal assent”, whats that, a chat with tea and biscuits.

    The Monarch is also the titular head of the armed forces. There are a number of other arcane duties and responsibilities on top of these but taken together the Monarch acts as a check or balance on politicians who may become dictatorial and forget that we live in a democracy. The monarch is the ultimate guarantor of your freedoms.

    “freedoms”. Are freedoms are limited. If i.d cards are introduced, then are freedom is diluted.
    Define what are freedom is? It is what the government say it is, dictatorial.

    The queeen is just a lucky girl who knows her place, and she pretends to be this powerfull thing, and the masses are guallable and lap it up.


    You know Emma dear… I get the distinct impression that no matter what anybody says, you aren’t going to agree with them.

    Still I’m probably just an old neo-revisionist nazi communist fascist left wing fellow travelling socialist. What do I really know compared with the breadth of your own political knowledge?


    i would just like to throw this into the ‘pot’……..whilst paedophiles and other such nasty people r getting there ‘rehabilitation’ and there so called life sentences, just spare a thought for their vicitims……..their life sentence is exactly what it says life!!!!!!!

    hugggsssssssss xxxxx


    @cath 55 wrote:

    i would just like to throw this into the ‘pot’……..whilst paedophiles and other such nasty people r getting there ‘rehabilitation’ and there so called life sentences, just spare a thought for their vicitims……..their life sentence is exactly what it says life!!!!!!!

    hugggsssssssss xxxxx

    This of course doesn’t apply to murder victims does it???

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