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  • #301064

    @sunny wrote:

    ENOUGH ffs no one is winning any fink here its died a death now
    This isnt the vixen thread is it?

    You was out of order saying it the only ression i can gather the name calling to you was your the only person to have comented on the photo of children …………..I may be wrong i dont give a flying pigs di ck to be honest if i am or not

    Quick Sunny go have a go at Waspish for bringing my family in to it on the other thread, thats was what you said wasnt it, totally out of order to bring peoples families into it

    To me it dont make you the names that was said it makes you look a c00nt thats all you keep saying you aint here to make friends fair play to you then dumpy

    Well im glad it’s finally sinking in

    The more your responed to the more you will carry this on we all no the boards lievn up with this sort of banter
    But not about inacent kids

    I would hardly call people (your cretin friends) saying to other people they are peados, perverts, kiddy fiddlers, is banter, but whatever floats ya boat.


    why the need for so much nastyness in world…

    And all those who got an axe to grind, they don’t wanna fight no more
    but there is no profit in peace, so lets fight some more

    cracking song… everyone carry on being nasty to each other, cause it makes you feel better


    @anita Gofradump wrote:

    Not hurting anyone, see its silly stupid lies like that.
    If you wasnt hurt pats you and your cowardly little bunch wouldnt hound my posts and make such filthy comments, so you have ugly offspring, that makes me a paedo, kiddy fiddler, pervert right?….remind me…who posted the pics of young children?….stupid kunt.

    You’re more pathetic than you look, and your cowardly little gang are a joke, you cant get at me so you start on PB lol, hilarious it really is, go whine to someone who cares ya brown nose.

    “You can’t get at me” :lol: :lol: :lol:

    For someone who hasnt been “got”, you’re taking a lot of trouble and time to prove it- mulitple picture loading too


    A present for someone having an obortion???

    Hmmmm … can’t think of any appropriate ones.


    So i know how to further wind these idiots up, but atleast i dont resort to calling people peado’s, kiddy fiddlers, perverts, and you have the nerve to look in this direction, tut :roll:


    anal go4apoke ur 1 boring kunt :D


    @Captain Charisma wrote:

    anal go4apoke ur 1 boring kunt :D



    @sharongooner wrote:

    @Captain Charisma wrote:

    anal go4apoke ur 1 boring kunt :D


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Oh look its dumb and dumber :roll:


    uh oh…….pervey boys here…………………..

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