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  • #142715

    Weddin to-morrow… 8)



    Pillows Mmmm Pillows :)


    Hunger :wink: bed or food…………………..? will let you know :lol:



    @dark Angel wrote:

    Weddin to-morrow… 8)

    :shock: :shock: :shock: Not Fat Andrea surely not !!!


    shakes head at ugo when i said post i meant nice not orrid stuff fgs lol u want auntie to give u a spanking lol


    waiting for the call pml


    I’m grooving to Lyrics Born :twisted: :twisted:


    @ugo wrote:

    @dark Angel wrote:

    Weddin to-morrow… 8)

    :shock: :shock: :shock: Not Fat Andrea surely not !!!

    Shakes her head!… *tut*… *tut* No! but she`s getting engaged shortly … :) so yes soon it might be Andrea`s weddin … :wink: :D


    Great nae KIDS TIL 2MOZ………….. WhooooooopEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


    I’m trying for the life of me to think why I’m so important for people from here to visit my site under aliases (Robbie just now) for the sole purpose to abuse when I am simply timid and quiet here these days :?

    I wouldn’t mind all these stalkers.. but.. they all seem to be MEN ffs.

    I want a female stalker for once!

Viewing 10 posts - 621 through 630 (of 4,703 total)

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