i was just wondering, or pondering, if i should turn the heating on early this year, seeing as its frigging freezing, or,,just buy loads of fatty foods and sugary drinks and get really fat, financially, i think i would save more money in the long run if i just put on a bit of weight as i have strorage heaters that cane my electric and costs me a fiver a day to to just stay warm, plus , you can get 10 packets of monster munch for a pound at the moment. before thinking about that ,i was thinking about the agendas of religious leaders and, if , they are using their power for good, or just twisting their faith to suit their needs, i do remember last week, i thought , for a good half hour, about the reasons why chickens have wings if they can’t really fly?. could they once fly?.. or have they just evolved into fatter chickens over a number of years which has made it near impossible for them to carry their weight in flight,, or is it just the farmers, fatttening them up too much?. either way , humans are horrible to animals and use them , for food, and entertainment. we really are a bunch of self serving, corrupt , ****** arent we?. anyway, i just thought of somthing , g2g xx