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  • #145765

    Will give it a go, what sort of bpm you wanting ? any instruments ?


    Hmmmm….Has Amber turned to green for go :o


    @gazlan wrote:

    Will give it a go, what sort of bpm you wanting ? any instruments ?

    Instruments – Elec Keyboard.. Actually, add a trumpet lol.. But not too much of it..

    BPM.. Moderate – Not too fast – Not too slow.. On a scale of 1 – 10.. 5..


    Ok WooHoo, i will see what i can do, i dont have many brass samples but should be able to knock one out…. :lol:
    Did you want it to have a start and end or a continuous loop ? You say about 1 minute long, thats pretty short and will be a tad difficult. As soon as i know what i ask then i can start.


    @gazlan wrote:

    Ok WooHoo, i will see what i can do, i dont have many brass samples but should be able to knock one out…. :lol:
    Did you want it to have a start and end or a continuous loop ? You say about 1 minute long, thats pretty short and will be a tad difficult. As soon as i know what i ask then i can start.

    Ok – You go and knock one out and then start.. :lol:

    Try with a continiuous loop.. BUT, if you feel a minute is too short, then make it longer if you want.. HaHa.. Peeps are going to think we’re talking s e x here!!

    It’s only when I apply the lyrics, then I know what else needs to be added, etc.. It’s hard innit, people think writing songs, beats etc is easy..

    Would you ever like to write music for a tele show, for the opening credits?


    Have you listened to NightScreen?

    Someone had left a message on other boards asking where he can get hold of the tunes played, and I have to admit, there are a few good ones! :lol: Surely they must welcome submissions.. Give it a try.. Send an E-Mail and ask how you can go about it!!

    [email protected]


    hehe.. :o

    Ok i will try that, i was gonna say i can create it and upload it to the site linked in my siggy, the problem with that is they require material to be at least 2 mins in length… If that is ok, i will upload it to that site, you can then download it without charge. I will try and create it so that it breaks for a few seconds and then carries on, that way you can chop what you need from it…
    I wouldnt mind what my creations are used for, it doesnt bother me about copyright as it is soley for my own pleasure, if people choose to use them then good luck to them… it would be nice to be given recognition though. I dont actually write music, i simply mix and combine samples of music and instruments already written. I have tried to create tunes from scratch and, like you saay, it is very very difficult and time consuming.
    If i were in it for profit, then i would pay more attention to writing.


    @woohoo wrote:

    Have you listened to NightScreen?

    Someone had left a message on other boards asking where he can get hold of the tunes played, and I have to admit, there are a few good ones! :lol: Surely they must welcome submissions.. Give it a try.. Send an E-Mail and ask how you can go about it!!

    [email protected]

    Nightscreen ??? Never heard of it ??????


    It’s what you’re drawn to when you can’t sleep! It’s on about 5am.. Tells you about itv programmes – What’s happening etc..

    Shows images, and about ten different tunes playing in the background throughout it’s ten minute existence!


    Like a sort of background music they play in some lifts….lol :lol:

    Yeh i know what you mean, its a bit hard watchin it with no telly tho…lol

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