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  • #21900

    @kentlass19 wrote:

    i’ve just been into town myself to finish mine… i thought yayyyyyyyy its done… then realised id forgotten my sis in laws pressie… so i gotta go and shop some more *sobs*

    gd luck shopping in them crowds m8… tis like a frigging playground out there with all the pushing n shoving

    lol thanks m8 but I`ll quite happily give someone a slap if they start shoving me about. I`m in a bad mood about the shops before I even get there. I`m the kind of person that if someone doesn`t say thankyou for something I say it as loud as I can for then just to embarrass them. (ignorant wan`kers) :lol: :lol:


    lmaooooooo im a shy lil thing… i dont raise my voice to em (its too fooking low for them to hear anyways) but i “accidently” trip em or push the fu kka’s out of the way :lol: :lol: :lol:


    lol hi pete xxx :D


    why would i wanna do that???????? no point in smiling



    Right would love to stay but theres a btl of red wine with me name on it so gonna go and drink it

    Spk to ya all later

    Cheers for a good few hours of chat and laffter :wink: :lol: :lol:


    bye oss xxx


    Cya Oss, tc and thankyou xxx :wink:


    bye oss xoxoxo tc sweetness :wink:


    hello bert xoxox :D


    Hi Bert xxxxx :D

Viewing 10 posts - 381 through 390 (of 9,319 total)

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