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  • #17722

    oops ive started a thread,but hey ho, i shall have to endure terrys wrath,but honestly does anybody really care about your post counts,i know loads of people who have been banned and just start all over again,one of our mates doa,as probably had 25,ooo posts in his time,but he dont care,its the ones who have never been banned you want to be wary off, the goody two shoes mob,so in the words of chumbawumba,i dedicate this song to all my fellow banees, i get knocked down but i get up again


    We need a yawning emoticon.


    @ Roguey

    You’ll have Sheriff Telsco P Coltrane, after you.

    I think it’s best if you luke around and bo out. In general, leeve. :P


    tell him ,he can find me ,far down upon the swanee river.


    Making daisy chains?

    Or with daisy in chains? :P


    yeh i can just imagine, terry picking up buttercups in a meadow,holding them up to his chin
    asking passersby
    do you think i look pretty?



    That is so funny! Esp if he does look like Bert Dink!


    @panda12 wrote:


    That is so funny! Esp if he does look like Bert Dink!

    I look nothing like him.

    He sang “Please Release Me, Let me go!” which kind of reminds me of a constipated Rogue Trader sitting on the loo…


    there he goes again, with his lavatorial humour
    thing is, he says he doesnt know me
    so how comes he knows about my number twos
    i think he should log off (sic)


    @rogue trader wrote:

    there he goes again, with his lavatorial humour
    thing is, he says he doesnt know me
    so how comes he knows about my number twos
    i think he should log off (sic)

    He’s rolling in it!

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