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  • #14546

    Was revealed today the Queen may have to dip into her own pocket to pay for the rocketing cost of Royal Protection cops. Diddums.
    Apparantly the cost has nearly doubled in the last decade.

    Now I can sort of understand protection given to the Queen, Prince Philip, William and Harry but why does someone like Princess Bea and Yoooooooogenie need round the clock protection? Fair enough if some of the higher ranking royals are on public duties etc then give them some protection …but come on!
    The Monaco Royal family quite happily mix with mere mortals everyday of their lives. I’m sure they have some sort of protection service, but it’s nothing near costing the amount of ours.

    I am not an anti Royalist. I am an anti waste of moneyist. :lol:

    What are your thoughts?


    No protection = kidnapping = ransom We live in hope eh :)


    @gazlan wrote:

    No protection = kidnapping = ransom We live in hope eh :)

    Don’t we just ! :lol:


    How about no protection for us and disband the police then cannabis smokers on bikes wouldnt have to worry


    @sarah_1 wrote:

    @gazlan wrote:

    No protection = kidnapping = ransom We live in hope eh :)

    Don’t we just ! :lol:

    Oh, another anti-monarch then…. :lol:


    @gazlan wrote:

    @sarah_1 wrote:

    @gazlan wrote:

    No protection = kidnapping = ransom We live in hope eh :)

    Don’t we just ! :lol:

    Oh, another anti-monarch then…. :lol:

    Not quite. :roll: Whooooooooooosh. :lol:


    Not quite. Whooooooooooosh.

    Oh thats what it was….that noise as it went right over my head…. :lol: 8)


    @pete wrote:

    *wipes coffee off screen*

    :lol: :lol:


    Excuse me this thread is about her Maj…show some respeceterrrrrh…or I may start googling you all to death!

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