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  • #252011


    I had the privalage of working with group of polish people once & got chatting to the one who spoke the best English & he told me that they Borrow money off all the people in there family to pay for the trip over here & then they get jobs ( under cutting us ) so they can save up loads of money & go home eventually , pay off the money they borrowed in the first place & live like kings , but I do think they like it so much over here & go out on the pish alot & never leave .

    So yes my vote goes against im affraid


    I’m sorry but i don’t agree with saying they need our help to open bank accounts and fill in forms. Just because they come from a foreign country, does not mean they have an IQ of 36.


    Thats a big one{apple} u got there Ugo!



    @claire 57 wrote:

    Thats a big one{apple} u got there Ugo!

    you know what they say Claire ” Big is Better “ :P :P :P


    I just gotta ask, as one who would love to have an I.Q. as high as 36 please explain why the big red Apple.
    A simple answer would be most welcome doh. doh.


    Ugo is a strange one. Mostly high on crack, so we ignore him and he skips off to his hole.

    With a bit of luck.


    i like 2 polish it :D



    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    Ugo is a strange one. Mostly high on crack, so we ignore him and he skips off to his hole.

    With a bit of luck.

    Hey will you give guy
    some privacy & get
    away from my hole

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Ugo, you really need to stay in that hole for a weeeeee bit longer.

    But then again, every forum needs its own freak. :lol:

    Oh shit thats Mr Montana. :wink:



    I worked with the polish army a few weeks ago :D

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