Boards Index General discussion Art, poetry, music and film Poetry Threat (well ok thread!) mark 2

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  • #125705

    it amazes me how we live
    you and i
    our moments now so infrequent
    like stars shooting across the sky

    it amazes me that so little is gained
    fractured moments and broken memories
    so little care
    as if by will we try not to let it show

    it amazes me that we hide from ourselves
    those little truths we both know
    as if speaking them
    will shatter the walls we have built up

    it amazes me how the passion we felt
    have now turned to indifference
    so kiss me gently
    and we shall never speak again.


    Unexpected results






    Was going to post a reply about how good the poems were, but can’t quite write what I want to say. So will just say I enjoyed reading them and it is a shame that you lot keep deleting them. [-X

    Minim…one of those poems brought tears to my eyes.. and it wasn’t tears of laughter…just struck a cord.. you have a talent.. keep writing.

    =D> =D> =D>


    scatter my ashes on the sea
    and as i float upon the waves
    weep no tears for me
    i do not want to be underground
    no earthy mound for me
    i do not want a cold stone tomb
    where nobody will grieve
    its where the winds blow fresh and free
    that i will be at peace
    i will travel to far off oceans
    and finally be free.


    i do not long for the heat of summer
    winter suits me best
    its icy winds heal me
    for they numb the pain

    icy sinews form on my windows
    creeping along the glass
    their long fingers reaching
    towards me like a long lost lover

    what need do i have of the
    false beauty of love
    when i have the beauty
    of nature to surround me.


    very beautiful poems Cymorill and i am so glad you are posting again. You write very powerful images into your poems, i love them.



    from the dawn of my first memory
    i desired, and needed it
    a sweet tantalising dream
    hidden in the sunsets of tommorow

    illusions of acceptance danced
    before my weary tear stained eyes
    soaked pillows hid the pain
    that showed clearly on my face

    i became all things to all people
    hiding myself, my fear
    painted smiles, and canned laughter
    i was a personality fraud

    if you let the walls drop
    you earn the reward of rejection
    living a harlequin lifestyle
    oblivious to what is real

    gathering courage to try again
    success is a mere hint away
    lost in its own shadow
    illusions are shattered once more

    forget the games, too
    weary of playing the roles
    no longer living in the mould
    set by others

    love me, hate me, but know me
    only then can i find strength
    to find myself
    and lose the masks

    another sunset, another chance
    i finally gaze into the eyes
    of acceptance, free from doubt
    and i see myself clearly at last.


    Great poem

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