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  • #306534

    @Forget Me Not wrote:

    okay then but now I’m curious, who do I remind you of?

    now that would be silly to tell you cos yer new on the boards and you would still be non the wiser lol xxx


    #-o the flaw in my logic, oh well I guess I will just have to be left guessing. And thus we move swiftly on.

    unanswered question
    it is not forgotten, and
    it still haunts my mind


    @cath 55 wrote:

    forget me not
    but why
    why should you remember me
    is it because
    i breezed into your lives on warm breeze
    one cold winters day
    or is it because
    this life so fleeting
    we need to
    just pause
    and remember
    those precious souls
    who crossed our paths
    for a reason as yet

    i remember what you said now forget me not , thats wot made me write this little section lol , you said the name forget me not was less to do with the flower than the actual sentiment of ‘forget me not’ or something like that lol xx


    oh yeah I remember now (forget me own head if it wasn’t screwed on)


    The Fury
    circles its prey
    its wicked talons
    venting another’s dismay
    reaping icy retribution

    The Valkyrie
    clutches the mortal heart slain
    in the name of vengeance
    and with soul in hand leaves this plane
    in the hands of mortals

    The Gorgon
    stares with blind hatred
    its loveless gaze
    and mercy belated
    binding man within its heart of stone

    of purest heart, wanderer of the sky
    gives hope unto man
    with his arms raised high
    seeking perception through this lie


    excuse me first
    cos Im still pissed
    but this thread
    I could not resist
    a ramble is needed
    not feeling me best
    lets get the weight
    off my chest

    Im so hungry
    I could eat wood
    Its nearly ready
    that lovely food
    gonna shove it in my gob
    in big fork fulls
    I might have a pudding
    trifle rules

    i love sundays
    best day of the week
    a nice bit of lovin
    makes it sweet


    @Forget Me Not wrote:

    Illusion’s shadow
    Water’s untrue reflection
    Time’s relentless march

    I remember reading this particular haiku a long time ago, is it Ezra Pound ? Maybe not but it will come to me……


    Eeek! It’s someone elses haiku? If it is then I didn’t know, I just thought of it in the shower one day (legs it before the poetry police arrive)

    hiya TBD (I would call you TB except that it would look like I’m calling you tuberculosis)
    it’s DIY for the mind, you might be inclined to say or else it’s like DIY in that no-one has the instructions, there’s always at least a couple screws missing and you’re buggered if you know what that left over piece is for


    hi VergissMeiNicht

    I’d call you FM but that might sound like you could only be read in stereo. Sorry didn’t mean to imply plagiarism, which can be rather a hard concept to prove, but do know those lines from somewhere……….meanwhile the IKEA school of literary criticism is alive and kicking and working overtime on my stuff.

    I never compose in the shower though. That’s the time for shaping my hair into a mohican, singing some rocking polynesian gospel into the nozzle, and blowing kisses at myself in the mirror – all somewhat of a family tradition you see.

    Anyway keep up the fine work (there is already a long-running thread for the budding poet/poetess here in Arts btw) and it’s all good.


    Inspector Dante

    Poetry Division
    New Scotland Yard


    I know that now but I didn’t when I joined, you see this was my first thread on joining this site (later I took a look and you guys rocks might I add)

    now I must abscond as I hear the tactical assault team (F.B.P.I) battering down my door, maybe you could add something on here sometime (he says as he lugs the smoke grenade out of the window)

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