27 April, 2011 at 2:01 am #16199
oh dear.. this is not giving me any pleasure darling.. I feel almost a sense of guilt.
awww shite.. ok.. PIP … pebbles was Kate all along darling.you were so good friends as well.But then.. dont feel hard done by as i was conned too. I got messages from a woman pretending to be a battered wife.and i did my best. she was on tonight and confessed who she was. I asked if she felt any pain in her lost friendship to you ? she did not Pip !
she has been everyone. I have helped “her” on many occasion..hey ho !
I love ya pip xx
27 April, 2011 at 2:09 am #467378and because of the ” kates” of this world.. If i get a pm askin for Help, I ignore.and that annoys me, as deep down im a decent chick.I never always Ranted.. I sit and listen to folks problems.. hey ho.. its “will” too.. and again he will deny it but i recognize speech and spell patterns. and tinkerbell..
the folks you looking for over in Pats spells intelligencia the wrong way.. like Vixen,et all. but NOT geoff ! they have another spelling error.. which I shall keep. They are closer to home! but NEVER me !
27 April, 2011 at 2:13 am #467379gotta tell ya Pip.. were still being accused of being each other !!! the spy has not listened ! If i aint you Im Yoda !! .. K’ing Ell :)
27 April, 2011 at 7:04 am #467380lol well apparently I’m everyone on here.. claire said so! So it must be true!
:roll: :roll:
27 April, 2011 at 8:11 am #467381@yoda wrote:
lol well apparently I’m everyone on here.. claire said so! So it must be true!
:roll: :roll:
You’re me? poor you! :lol:
27 April, 2011 at 2:23 pm #467382@rubyred wrote:
oh dear.. this is not giving me any pleasure darling.. I feel almost a sense of guilt.
awww Hot Chocolate.. ok.. PIP … pebbles was Kate all along darling.you were so good friends as well.But then.. dont feel hard done by as i was conned too. I got messages from a woman pretending to be a battered wife.and i did my best. she was on tonight and confessed who she was. I asked if she felt any pain in her lost friendship to you ? she did not Pip !
she has been everyone. I have helped “her” on many occasion..hey ho !
I love ya pip xx
Well this is a lark isn’t it,
Pip, pebbles, Kate… whoever you all are I dont know you…. but I can tell you this according to Ruby I am different people here too AND I have Pm ed her and spoke to her about people here, all of which is totally untrue!
In Ruby’s mind though its a fact no matter how much I tell her its rubbish. I know how hurtful it is to be falsely accused, so dont take it to heart if you have been….. just join the I was Falsely Accused by Ruby Club…. it used to be quite exclusive but its getting a bit overcrowded in here now :D
27 April, 2011 at 4:37 pm #467383I have wondered myself if Will and Tinkerbell are the same person. They post at the same time, suck each other off over every inane post and both make me want to gouge my eyes out with a spoon every time i read their vomit inducing drivel.
If not i shudder to think if these two cretins were ever allowed to breed.
I applaud anyone who could pull this off.
27 April, 2011 at 4:46 pm #467384“I applaud anyone who could pull this off.”
Ya talkin about ya wig and icecream?! :lol:
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