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  • #350453

    @pete wrote:

    He couldnt find the next town never mind America ffs and theyre choosy about who they let in

    what!!! you mean he didn’t go ??

    i don’t know whether to do :shock:

    or :roll:

    or ](*,)

    or :(


    @pats wrote:

    whooooooooooooo the justchat village idiot is back :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ope u aint bin grassin us up shazza :evil:……….wonder how u get piles thro a grapevine….. :-k

    Not spoke to Ugo in a couple weeks, but I can assure you as the sun shines that the last thing I would share would be gos from here.

    I dont even know bout the piles anyway lol! did you tell me?

    or did someone pic it up from the anusal comment the other day…?


    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    Thought i might do a little pic but trust me on this do NOT go to google image safe search off and type in piles just dont do it :shock:

    When someone says DONT DO IT… you know you just have to. :shock:

    you dont but i bet ya wish ya hadnt now :wink:


    so UGO no in in the USA…. he wake up then… PATS bet ma farmer giles r bigger than urs lol


    More roughage girl! :lol:


    @sharongooner wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    whooooooooooooo the justchat village idiot is back :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ope u aint bin grassin us up shazza :evil:……….wonder how u get piles thro a grapevine….. :-k

    Not spoke to Ugo in a couple weeks, but I can assure you as the sun shines that the last thing I would share would be gos from here.

    I dont even know bout the piles anyway lol! did you tell me?

    or did someone pic it up from the anusal comment the other day…?

    me rubes mims n chess sat up fa ever in quiz room uvver night talkin about everythin…..rubes mentioned piles which led to anusol and other medical conditions pml. wen rubes posted anusol on word of day thread i sed i also got the eadache from hell (from drinkin while we chatted lol) so dunno were he heard it lol. i was just goin on ur post shaz wen u sed ugo werent ere anymore but u kept in contact.then hey presto he appears sayin i hear prats as piles lol. no offence darlin . xxxx.


    whereever he is he is obviously still concerned for members health! :shock: No offence taken x 8)


    How do yas know that Rubes wasnt using the anusol to lift the wrinkles (sorry laughter lines ) from round her eyes :roll: :wink:

    Personally i just take my bra off that gets rid of mine :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @chess wrote:

    How do yas know that Rubes wasnt using the anusol to lift the wrinkles (sorry laughter lines ) from round her eyes :roll: :wink:

    Personally i just take my bra off that gets rid of mine :lol: :lol: :lol:

    :lol: :lol: show off.


    @chess wrote:

    How do yas know that Rubes wasnt using the anusol to lift the wrinkles (sorry laughter lines ) from round her eyes :roll: :wink:

    Personally i just take my bra off that gets rid of mine :lol: :lol: :lol:

    it wouldnt work gotta be preparation h and not just any preparation h gotta contain a certain ingredient and i dont think it does over here :?

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