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  • #12924

    Pig Flu from America?

    This is going to really pee off the Muslims.



    I bet the turn-out at this yrs Mexican Snogging Finals will be lower than usual……


    sorry, people are dying.

    of course, what I meant to type was Carry on Panickin


    As always, the Media hype this up into a world terrifying “SHOCK, HORROR” story with claims of a ‘pandemic’ sweeping across Europe, meetings of “COBRA”, government ministers issuing appeals for calm and so on.

    This story will run for as long as 4 days maybe – then something else will catch the Media interest. (Peter Mandleson in “Gay toilet” scandal; Gordon Brown stubs his toe on faulty kerbstone; Madonna to adopt a child from ******* [insert unlikely country here for maximum impact]; Home Secretary is an idiot; and so on).

    To put member’s minds at rest – in Mexico there have been 20 deaths with 1,445 suspected cases. Across the entire European continent, there have been only 46 SUSPECTED cases (not proven actual cases) and no deaths at all.

    In Mexico, the daily death rate from their current ‘drug wars’ is higher than all those who have allegedly died from Swine flu……. but hey, why let the facts get in the way of a good Media story eh???


    Basically it’s the flu, just a strain that hasn’t been seen before therefore there are no vaccinations against it just yet…same precautions to be taken as for “normal” flu.


    @jen_jen wrote:

    Basically it’s the flu, just a strain that hasn’t been seen before therefore there are no vaccinations against it just yet…same precautions to be taken as for “normal” flu.

    Quite so …… it’s not even as bad as ‘Man flu’.


    150 deaths in Mexico and confirmed cases in N Zealand, UK, Spain, US and Canada oh and Japan i think…. we’re doomed


    ………. and what happens to the Jews and Moslems??? After all they can hardly say that they have “pig” flu can they???

    Maybe we should all start calling it “sheep” flu so as to avoid offending their sensibilities.



    the crisis is over,

    scientists have discovered a new Oinkment


    This is ‘don’t worry about it’ from the same government who brought you ‘hot tea gives you cancer’ and all the other remote possibilities you might die from at some unspecified time in the future. This is from the government whose health and safety brigade ban kettles from common rooms in case someone burns themselves, and put up posters advising you of the best way to pick something up. Barbecue? Oh dear no, you might get bowel cancer in fifty years. Swine flu going global in days? Nah, don’t worrry about it.

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