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  • #1135732

    My new business is supplying treat boxes. Lock down has been kind to bakers and food suppliers that deliver.

    Once restrictions are lifted and everyone will be clamouring to book holidays or arrange picnics with friends what would be your preferred type of food be in a picnic box?

    I’ve found homemade scotch eggs to be a great hit!



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    what’s a picnic without fried chicken, cole slaw and potato salad?

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    Another idea is to look on amazon and see which treat boxes are selling the most in your specific market.

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    My new business is supplying treat boxes. Lock down has been kind to bakers and food suppliers that deliver.

    Once restrictions are lifted and everyone will be clamouring to book holidays or arrange picnics with friends what would be your preferred type of food be in a picnic box?

    I’ve found homemade scotch eggs to be a great hit!

    Do hope you are registered with your local authority

    plus the HMRC

    do you have a food poisoning certification  B-)

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    Get some small glass jars and fill them with homemade mustard etc, wrap a ribbon around them and handwrite on a label etc to give it the bespoke personal touch and of course, they can reuse recycle afterwards.


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    Oh, I misread that never mind.


    Crusty bread, butter, and a thick slab of farmers cheddar. :scratch:

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    Great idea! Especially the home made advertising of it

    I have sent these types of baskets as presents in the past and it is difficult to guess what the other person might like in regards pickles etc because the Interflora one for instance do set baskets

    Do baskets where you can chose out of lists….list of pickles…list of cakes….

    Personally I like anything I don’t have to make myself :yes:

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    Nice post LD.

    Well as it is known Americans go with a pretty big picnic basket…


    a thought..small tin with brownie squares and butter cookies. Snackin sweet treat..and u ever see in liquor stores the smaller size wine bottles. Made for 2 glasses. ?

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    Great idea forum host😁👍

    Leave a 10% discount leaflet in every basket for their next purchase

    Marks n Spencer picnic basket

    Which they get to keep

    Use taxis to deliver so you can serve 100s of customers without leaving the house per day

    Sassey’s amazing cakes

    Organic products for the niche in organic picnics

    sandwiches without crusts on

    plastic plates and cutlery

    Your business card


    Weekly prize of a free picnic basket



    Keep it healthy…..that is the biggest customer market in the world 👍

    100.000 leaflet drop in your local area….as the cheapest way of letting people know to what you have to offer :good:





    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by  budha.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by  budha.
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    and dont let anybody hamper your progress.

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