You couldn’t mix them up. They have totally different personalities. Ozzy (our king and the man) is big but shy. He’s scared of neighbour’s kittens :roll: but he’s very cool all the time… and lazy like big tom cats are supposed to be. Oggy is Ozzy’s mohter and being all lady like. And Ollie is our little miss baby kitten (she’s a bit stupid and I think she can’t see properly):D
8) cats Betty……but wtf do u feed em on? :shock: :lol:
:lol: cat food, but thank goodness they live with my parents so I don’t have to pay. You know I got my catse when I still lived at home. Now they are keeping company for my parents and brothers when I’m not there. And they are a good reason for me to visit my parents every now and then 8)