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  • #15523

    If someone asked me to describe an active chatter or an active boardies personality I probably would be able to …by going on what I see. This may not necessarily be their true personality…not because they are false but because maybe they are quiet in the room because there are too many big personalities in there or maybe they are able to voice more on here because they like to take their time with thinking what they type etc.

    Last night I had a very interesting conversation with someone I have recently started chatting with in pm with. The chatter said my personality is quite different in private than it is in the room.

    I think without a doubt many here are different in real life than on the boards. Sorry to pick you out Gaz…but I do think I would get on with Gaz in real life even though some of the stuff he says about me is so wrong. Gaz may think the complete opposite. But I’m just writing what I feel.

    Are you true to your board or chat personality or are you deliberately different? There is nothing wrong with that afterall. Would anyone dare to try guess others persoanlites here or not…for fun :lol:


    well for me I say what I feel as long as it is PC correct on an open forum, there is too many lurkers around and about on websites eyes and ears everywhere so for me I try to think about what I submit… as in take one step back and preview it first. :) :) just me being over cautious I suppose, so will come over as being a rather dull, boring and a bit cautious. :roll: :roll:


    im an a r se on the boards
    im an a r se in chat
    and guess what
    im an a r se in real life

    :P :lol: :P


    I think I am more guarded here for obvious reasons, but I think I’m the same here as I am in real life…but you’ve met me Kenty, you tell me! :lol:

    As for guessing other people’s personalities, we kind of did that a while back didn’t we? Or said the mental picture we had of them anyway. I’m not sure that would work now, too many eggshells to tread on :(


    @thin ice wrote:

    im an a r se on the boards
    im an a r se in chat
    and guess what
    im an a r se in real life

    :P :lol: :P

    Saying it before anyone else does? :wink: :lol:
    And I didn’t think you were an arse in real life :P


    :lol: :lol: I couldn’t possibly comment ( not been here long enough to find out) :roll:


    @jen_jen wrote:

    I think I am more guarded here for obvious reasons, but I think I’m the same here as I am in real life…but you’ve met me Kenty, you tell me! :lol:

    As for guessing other people’s personalities, we kind of did that a while back didn’t we? Or said the mental picture we had of them anyway. I’m not sure that would work now, too many eggshells to tread on :(

    Did we? Doh :lol:

    I did meet you Jen and you were everything I imagined and more (god I sound like I love you :lol: ) When people sl@g othrs off in here and I have met them it makes me angry and giggle at the same time knowing thats so not the case but woe betide if anyone says anything different.


    @thin ice wrote:

    im an a r se on the boards
    im an a r se in chat
    and guess what
    im an a r se in real life

    :P :lol: :P

    Now where oh where do we begin with this one :lol:


    I’m much nicer in the ‘real world’

    I sometimes even think before I speak.

    The people around me matter as do their opinions.

    I’m more open out of here – simply because I dont feel chat rooms/boards are the place to let your emotions show nor a place to open up about private lives and allow others an opinion. We allow ourselves the freedom to be vague about our lives but without talking on a personal level …… I dont think you can truly get to know the person you are talking to.

    I’d probably get on much better with the ppl of JC that make waves – speak their mind – dont have a great deal of tact etc …… I prefer to know where I stand and that in itself is a huge ‘ask’ in JC as so many are often not what they seem!


    That Kenty is always picking on me. :(

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