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  • #6303

    Male sperm (Y) swim faster and die sooner than female sperm (X), because female sperm contain heavier genetic material, which slows them down but allows them to live longer.

    Males with longer penises tend to produce more male offspring because they deposit the sperm closer to the egg and (Y) sperm cells win the “sprint.” Males with shorter penises tend to have more female offspring because sperm is deposited further from the egg, (Y) sperm die off thus allowing (X) sperm to win the “marathon.”

    Look at your family. This tells you whether or not your father had a big


    I agree… :D


    i have 4 bros 1 sis……………well done dad!

    2 sons.i daughter………….big up my hubby :lol: (pardon the pun!)

    my daughter has 3 girls…………………….kick him to the kerb!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D


    Im adopted……not a feckin clue! GRRRRRRRR
    But Im guessing i was adopted due the hundreds and thousands of kids my real father produced……….

    (Ive always wondered why its humongous!)



    @hermangrrrman! wrote:

    Im adopted……not a feckin clue! GRRRRRRRR
    But Im guessing i was adopted due the hundreds and thousands of kids my real father produced……….

    (Ive always wondered why its humongous!)

    Max ffs@your bloody avatar. Its orrible. :-… :-… Wheres the tin of spam?


    I like it bat reminds me of how Ugo probably is when people see him for Wat he really is

    As for the willy size :shock: :shock: …………We have two daughters but hubs as a lovely tongue :wink: :wink: 8)



    Well if you woman was to drink water straight after the sperms had been eject, then the water would help them down faster and make them able to complete the journey quicker :twisted:




    Con, hunny bun…….could it possibly be that you´re bored to death????? LMAO


    :D/ :D/ :D/ Wayhayyyy sunns =D> =D> =D> gave me giggles that one :D/ :D/ :D/

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