@mrs_teapot wrote:
I went to see David Hockney’s iPad Art yesterday… I spoke to one of his young proteges who convinced me that computers are just another medium for art… and if some of the greats like Picasso and Monet were alive today they would snap up an iPad :D

I like that pic – I would have it on my wall!
I have two pieces of art that I will share with you, type-wise, because my camera is knackered – quelle surprise eh?!
1. A painting on some wood that caught my eye in a gallery (it is of an old-fashioned bottle of wine and a cup, on a table) – I bought it for £70 – the artist wants to buy it back from me – he now has a gallery in the King’s Road, London – it was the first painting he ever put up for sale. I bought it because I liked it – he is now offering me £7,000 – well, keep going sunshine, and I may consider it! I did actually give it to my hubby yonks ago for his b’day, so technically it isn’t really mine to sell is it?! Bliddy tempted tho’ :lol:
2. An Xmas card a friend of mine made for me – that is also art, in my opinion! Just of a robin, very faintly sketched in pencil with a very light shade of red, and standing on a very light shade of green (grass!) – I love it. I have put it in a frame – she is that good – however, she says that she only draws or paints when the mood takes her – it is a bit of a shame, because I think she could make a lot of money!
I truely believe what quite a few of you have said, it really is in the eye of the beholder or what art ‘moves’ you.