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19 August, 2008 at 10:01 pm #11179
Pedigree Dogs Exposed is an in-depth investigation into the health of pedigree dogs. The film examines the level of inherited disease and other welfare concerns in man’s best friend, featuring strong testimony from experts. It reveals the surprising historical reasons that have contributed to problems in some breeds and explores what might be done to tackle these serious and debilitating health issues.
Don’t know if any of you saw it on tv tonight, but it was heartbreaking and sadly very true,
It covered some of the inherited diseases and malformaties in pedigree dogs from cavaliers and the breeding making the skull too small for the brain, to bulldogs breeding causing breathing problems the same in pugs and pekinese to epilepsy , cancer and heart disease in boxers and the disgusting shape of german shepherds spines, hips and legs in the show dogs.
the kennel club maintain that it is better to have tabs on all the breeders knowing where they are and so forth and if they introduced health checks into the registering it would push breeders underground! , now where this may be true of one or two breeders, genuine breeders that don’t register their litters with the Kennel Club cannot sell the dog for showing as a show dog it has to be registered with the Kennel Club so thats poppycock, the breeders and some owners maintain the malformed animals they now own are fine and the breed should be left alone.
One vet said if you took a dog and beat it so badly so it was feeling the pain some of these dogs go through you would be prosecuted , but its ok to breed that in them :roll:
They even showed dogs with these problems entering and winning championship shows which then makes them prime stud dogs and so the cycle continues , also when for example rhodesian ridgebacks dont have the ridge they can and should be culled because they are not cosmetically right bloody scandalous.
Don’t you think the government do something about this? or do u feel we should just let them breed themselves to death ?19 August, 2008 at 10:06 pm #364890Ive recorded it to watch tomorrow as it is something Im particularly interested in finding out more about.
19 August, 2008 at 10:08 pm #364891Was very blunt and slightly upsetting in some cases shazza but very informative and something i have to admit i feel strongly about also.
19 August, 2008 at 10:09 pm #364892Ive never met a professional dog breeder that Ive actually liked Im afraid, and my prejudices are no doubt going to be confirmed when I watch Poli :lol:
19 August, 2008 at 10:19 pm #364893i worked for one for 4 years shazza, even though i dont particularly like the breeders side of shows etc and personally compete and train in the working side. where it dont matter what shape, size, colour, pure or cross they are, but to be fair she was a very intelligent slightly eccentric strange lady, but her dogs meant alot more to her than the cosmetic side of showing fortunately and she religiously did none of the inter breeding stuff hence i think why i stayed with her so long, her dogs were better cared for and thought about than alot of peoples kids lol so they are not all bad , but your right sadly there is alot of almost brainwashed inscrutable breeders out there and its disgusting.
I have never had a pedigree dog, pure breeds yes! but not registered pedigree and touch wood apart from the old age problems and the odd thing never had major health issues with any of mine, my mum was an obedience judge and again always had un pedigree / mongrels, all her life until abt 12 years ago she had a cavalier that was pedigree and had allsorts of problems and now 1 of her dogs is a pedigree standard poodle only 3 years old and though not serious issues again has had problems the latest being an operation on his eye for an inturned eyelid… makes u wonder doesnt it !!19 August, 2008 at 10:24 pm #364894watched it for a bit then had to switch over, nasty business pols
19 August, 2008 at 10:28 pm #364895its inter breeding that causes the defects…….the kennel club promotes beauty not breed. i cant wait to read my dog forum tmorrow….bet the place has gone mental. :lol:
19 August, 2008 at 10:29 pm #364896Ive had allsorts of dogs, never had any of the reported problems with any of the pedigrees Ive had, but I do steer clear of the types of breeds that could be problematic. With us its just a case of timing, if a dog comes along and we are in a position to offer it ahome then thats it.
Our current dog was bred by a friend from her pet dog, she recently lost her age 13(
rip my doggies mum), not bad going for a pedigree, and she has just got another one, who is soooo cute! :lol:
Like you say they arent all bad but there is a lot out there killing breeds in the name of showing, Im still undecided if I think Krufts should be banned from TV or not, will probably decide after watching the show.
19 August, 2008 at 10:33 pm #364897my first bulldog had entropic eye……..she needed 2 ops….this condition is hereditary..her mother and father shouldnt have been mated but were. and we paid a grand not knowing we could never show her ourselves at small dog shows.
my reef was bred by a breeder who has been in the business 40 yrs and has judged all over the world. he refuses inline breeding if he has a dog with faults.
most backyard breeders are in it for the money alone.19 August, 2008 at 10:37 pm #364898Just as well the JC dogs are mongrels… hello Lady Thick Planks of Masborough… :lol:
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