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  • #195838

    Walk this way ugo. :twisted:


    good link Owen!




    But what if you want to post a message of support for Peco – can you still post it here without it meaning i think he is a knob? :?


    @james Belfast wrote:

    But what if you want to post a message of support for Peco – can you still post it here without it meaning i think he is a knob? :?

    Ask tiggy, he seems to be doing a lot of thinking lately! :roll:


    James, anyone can post here. They can rest assured that I will not think they think I’m a knob simply by posting here, however, strictly speaking, anyone who posts on this thread is…… ugo’s words……basically saying I’m a knob. In this sense, ugo is saying I’m a knob, Owen is saying I’m a knob, you’re saying I’m a knob, and even I am saying I’m a knob as we have all posted on here. It’s really a matter of interpretation and perception.

    I feel as though I’m on trial here, being accused of knobbery, or being an offensive weapon might be another way to put it.


    Peco, Peco, Peco! :roll:
    Stop prevaricating around the mullberry and admit that you
    have been/are/will be* a knob, and I’ll do the same. :wink: :lol:

    *Delete as applicable


    It’s okay Owen, you don’t have to say yer a knob.

    I can’t hide it any longer. It’s time to confess the awful truth.

    I am a knob! I’ve always been a knob, and always will be.

    I feel so much better now that it’s out, the truth I mean, not my knob. It’s such a liberating feeling.

    ugo, I am indebted to you, without you I would not be free. Now each day I can look in the mirror and see the real me, all thanks to you.


    @*Peco wrote:

    It’s okay Owen, you don’t have to say yer a knob.

    I know I don’t have to say it as enough people already have. :oops:

    I am a knob! I’ve always been a knob, and always will be
    too. 8-[


    Bet Ive a bigger knob than you

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