Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Pavarotti dies aged 71
6 September, 2007 at 9:59 pm #286386
6 September, 2007 at 10:02 pm #286387@~Pebbles~ wrote:
@pats wrote:
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
@pats wrote:
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
@pats wrote:
if he had contributed as much to charity as jane did i would agree. she was only 43……he was 71.
I fail to see why you think this gives you the right to laugh and joke about his death :?
i dint think i had. just remarked that i was sick of hearin nessum dorma .he was a fat italian singer who was loaded. had a good run fa his money.
now THATS tekkin the cheap wine. 8)hope that makes you feel really good about yourself…
well i wudnt expect the overweight old git to cry at my demise..why shud i at his?????
Dont have a dig at the over weight Pats, you’ll offend at least 90% of the people on here :wink: :lol:
:shock: shuts her gob n legs it…………….
6 September, 2007 at 10:03 pm #286388@forumhostpb wrote:
having married a woman many many years his junior”
“Apparently he could still munch his way through a Kilo of spaghetti as a starter at the end”
Is that a smuttyphism for cunnilingus?
After all, these hairy europeans could resemble a kilo of spaghetti around their slime chute that he would then have to munch his way through lol :shock: :lol:
6 September, 2007 at 10:17 pm #286389Actually no it wasn’t Ubermik ….. although he may well have been a cunning linguist for all I know.
It referred to the disgusting Italian habit of scoffing an enormous primi piatti usually consisting of some variety of pasta somthered in a sauce … before launching themselves into the equally enormous secondi piatti – or main course to most of us – which is usually enough food to poleaxe an elephant. they usually finish off with an enormous dolce especially designed to give most people diabetes. …. and wolf down loads of fruit and cheese to fill up any space left.
Fatguts Pavarotti was well named and if cancer hadn’t got him first, then he would eventually have exploded.
6 September, 2007 at 10:27 pm #286390@pats wrote:
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
@pats wrote:
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
@pats wrote:
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
@pats wrote:
if he had contributed as much to charity as jane did i would agree. she was only 43……he was 71.
I fail to see why you think this gives you the right to laugh and joke about his death :?
i dint think i had. just remarked that i was sick of hearin nessum dorma .he was a fat italian singer who was loaded. had a good run fa his money.
now THATS tekkin the cheap wine. 8)hope that makes you feel really good about yourself…
well i wudnt expect the overweight old git to cry at my demise..why shud i at his?????
Dont have a dig at the over weight Pats, you’ll offend at least 90% of the people on here :wink: :lol:
:shock: shuts her gob n legs it…………….
Thats SOOOO much hotter than if you’d shut yer legs n gobbed on it :lol:
6 September, 2007 at 10:28 pm #286391@ubermik wrote:
@pats wrote:
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
@pats wrote:
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
@pats wrote:
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
@pats wrote:
if he had contributed as much to charity as jane did i would agree. she was only 43……he was 71.
I fail to see why you think this gives you the right to laugh and joke about his death :?
i dint think i had. just remarked that i was sick of hearin nessum dorma .he was a fat italian singer who was loaded. had a good run fa his money.
now THATS tekkin the cheap wine. 8)hope that makes you feel really good about yourself…
well i wudnt expect the overweight old git to cry at my demise..why shud i at his?????
Dont have a dig at the over weight Pats, you’ll offend at least 90% of the people on here :wink: :lol:
:shock: shuts her gob n legs it…………….
Thats SOOOO much hotter than if you’d shut yer legs n gobbed on it :lol:
Thats how I read it first time lol… had to look again! :oops: :lol:
6 September, 2007 at 10:43 pm #286392@forumhostpb wrote:
Actually no it wasn’t Ubermik ….. although he may well have been a cunning linguist for all I know.
It referred to the disgusting Italian habit of scoffing an enormous primi piatti usually consisting of some variety of pasta somthered in a sauce … before launching themselves into the equally enormous secondi piatti – or main course to most of us – which is usually enough food to poleaxe an elephant. they usually finish off with an enormous dolce especially designed to give most people diabetes. …. and wolf down loads of fruit and cheese to fill up any space left.
Fatguts Pavarotti was well named and if cancer hadn’t got him first, then he would eventually have exploded.
Does anyone else remember the fat man sketch by monty python in the meaning of life?
“Just the one after dinner mint then sir? Its EVER so tiny” lol
As for pebbles comments about remorse for complete strangers (some more “complete” than others lol)
And, if someone who whinges about how heartless other people are for not boo frickety hoo-ing over a particular newly corpsed nobody in particular DOESNT feel just as much remorse for every single man, woman, gender odity and child who has died anywhere on the entire planet then how hypocritical does THAT make them?
No wonder the world is so full of miserable crabby fekkers if so many people reckon its trendy to go on a downer and be all forlorn over total strangers lol, explains a lot that does :)
Being an ardent disliker of inconsistency, hypocrisy and people being sheep I actually see someone who would act all upset about someone famous dying but who doesnt EQUALLY feel like that about every other tom dick or harriet they see who has died via the media, after all why dont they also deserve the same level of forlornness eh?
As for people joking about someones demise, thats a personal choice, someone who finds it funny or sees the humour in it has no more or less of a right to expect others to follow suit than the ones who things its a shame have despite what they might think to the contrary, so theres no moral highground to be had and each person has an equal and innalienable right to find someones death either whimsical or not as the case may be
And where there is humour in a situation a death doesnt magically mean its not there same as a death doesnt have people saying that the tragedy of it shouldnt be pointed out, so some consistency for a change eh? lol
A complete stranger died, end of
As for comments about fat people, well nobody would bat an eyelid at women saying they didnt like short men would they? And which of those two physical traits is the hardest to alter?
In the same way that I am pretty sure most tall people arent offended by the simple observation that they ARE tall I really cant see why so many people get all stressy and menopausal about anyone mentioning weight or size when that is an equally undisputeable fact too
If you dont like it change it, if you cant be bothered to change it then just accept it. Either way is a move forward IMO over stressing about it but doing little to nothing
Just when did large people get added to the PC list of groups that have to be pussyfooted around? I must have missed that memo lol :D
6 September, 2007 at 11:01 pm #286393@ubermik wrote:
@forumhostpb wrote:
Actually no it wasn’t Ubermik ….. although he may well have been a cunning linguist for all I know.
It referred to the disgusting Italian habit of scoffing an enormous primi piatti usually consisting of some variety of pasta somthered in a sauce … before launching themselves into the equally enormous secondi piatti – or main course to most of us – which is usually enough food to poleaxe an elephant. they usually finish off with an enormous dolce especially designed to give most people diabetes. …. and wolf down loads of fruit and cheese to fill up any space left.
Fatguts Pavarotti was well named and if cancer hadn’t got him first, then he would eventually have exploded.
Does anyone else remember the fat man sketch by monty python in the meaning of life?
“Just the one after dinner mint then sir? Its EVER so tiny” lol
As for pebbles comments about remorse for complete strangers (some more “complete” than others lol)
And, if someone who whinges about how heartless other people are for not boo frickety hoo-ing over a particular newly corpsed nobody in particular DOESNT feel just as much remorse for every single man, woman, gender odity and child who has died anywhere on the entire planet then how hypocritical does THAT make them?
Oh Uber you dont have love a bolloxy waffle dont you?!
Isnt it just the same in real life? you may like him but I dont. You may like her but I dont. We dont like everybody we meet do we?
If you dont feel just as much love for each and every person how hypocritical would that be?!
So why should it be any different in death?
Are you married btw…. or did you talk her to death? :wink:
edit: oops… meant to add the first thing I thought of when reading PB’s spagetti post was Monty Pyton 8)
7 September, 2007 at 9:39 am #286394may I ask a stupid question….. why was everyone clapping when he arrived at the Church….???
I also noticed at that poor wee laddies funeral Rhys they all clapped him also…. ??
I don’t understand the clapping….?? Yes I could understand 2 mins silence to show your respect…. but clapping…???
( don’t hang me for asking btw lol )
7 September, 2007 at 9:56 am #286395Mary i thought it was great to see them clapping at ryes
Its a sighn of there life repect they do it now at football matches as well
The way they all wore footy shirts and clapped is how i would love to go out
Its like he wasent sad in his life so why be sad now he has gone if you no what i mean
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