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  • #343401

    Ahhh here they all come… get the flock in here.


    @pete wrote:

    Just to clarify is Sianny actually meant to be an insult ? :?

    I sure hope not, that would mean Pip squeak would be taking this allllllll to seriously :lol:






    sheep are a bloody nightmare to keep, bloody escape artists they are but despite that they are ok animals, i’d prefer the term jumping on a bandwagon than associating poor innocent sheep with jc abuse what have they done to deserve that lol


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    sheep are a bloody nightmare to keep, bloody escape artists they are but despite that they are ok animals, i’d prefer the term jumping on a bandwagon than associating poor innocent sheep with jc abuse what have they done to deserve that lol

    Agreed 8) :lol:


    I would just like to apologise to all innocent sheep in fields.


    just to clarify whats a bandwagon ? :?


    @sword wrote:

    I would just like to apologise to all innocent sheep in fields.

    :lol: :lol:


    @pete wrote:

    just to clarify whats a bandwagon ? :?

    The bandwagon effect, also known as social proof or “cromo effect” and closely related to opportunism, is the observation that people often do and believe things because many other people do and believe the same things. The effect is often pejoratively called herding instinct, particularly when applied to adolescents. People tend to follow the crowd without examining the merits of a particular thing. The bandwagon effect is the reason for the bandwagon fallacy’s success.

    ooo just call me the google queen lol

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