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  • #343421

    @(f)politics? wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    slingbacks ty i aint a tart :shock:

    hides my stiletto’s b4 i get branded a tart too :wink:

    “TART” !


    @kevin wrote:

    the point remains
    she pretends to all an sundry that she knows me
    i have proved she dosent

    They’re all the same, oneupmanship personified. Know fuck all but would lead people to believe they are a wealth of information. It’s wasted posturing.


    @rubyred wrote:

    @(f)politics? wrote:

    @pete wrote:

    slingbacks ty i aint a tart :shock:

    hides my stiletto’s b4 i get branded a tart too :wink:

    “TART” !

    lol “BI.TCH!”


    IF YER NOT FAST YER LAST POLI,,,AND cant YOU be the lead today,,im fed up being the man !


    @rubyred wrote:

    IF YER NOT FAST YER LAST POLI,,,AND cant YOU be the lead today,,im fed up being the man !

    oh as it is you and im playing the king role today ……. takes rubes hand and places one round her waist lets Tango chick, whips rubes around like a ragdoll hold on girly lol


    ffs ye dropped me on my HEID ! I wasnt ready and my hands all fairy liquid.


    Have a drink on me Geoffrey

    blah blah blah original blah blah blah sheep blah blah blah bandwagon blah blah perve blah blah bless blah blah blah silly boy etc etc etc

    Sheep: Used to describe a number of members all of whom individually loathe a particular member. The term is meant to imply that they are somehow all following each other or acting together in some way (like a flock of sheep …. Geddit???). In reality this term is used by the target member to deflect the humiliation of being detested by so many others.

    Bandwagon: This is something that ‘Sheep’ (see above) are said to jump on. Generally one member will succeed in irritating a number of other members, all of whom unite in their dislike and post criticism. Whilst they all act independently of each other, they are accused of “jumping on the bandwagon” so as to minimise the effect of their posts.

    Hypocrisy: This word is often misused by some members to answer a particularly damning criticism of themselves by others, when in fact they have no defence at all to the criticism. It is a second rate attempt to deflect the criticism.

    Perve: This is often a pejorative nickname intended to imply that a user is in some way a “pervert.” In reality it often means that the target user is more successful in forming rewarding relationships with females, than the name calling user. This nickname is usually awarded due to the name caller’s extreme jealousy of these relationships coupled with their own lack of success.

    Desperate: Used when a member is on the receiving end of some rather accurate home truths from another member. Rather than admit their obvious failings, they suggest that their accuser must be “desperate” in an attempt to imply that the accusation is somehow inaccurate. This type of defence is often referred to as the “desperate defence.”

    Silly Boy (or Silly little boy): An attempt by an unpopular user to deflect justified criticism by being patronising or attempting to belittle another user. Also used to make the unpopular user feel superior to others.

    Bless. (or sometimes Bless you …..): An attempt by a universally disliked user to demonstrate that they aren’t hurt by other’s criticism.. Occasionally used to try to demonstrate a perceived superiority, particularly where none exists.


    Did you ask your boss if it was ok to pretend you’ve made an original post?


    gawd PB had already done the band wagon explanation im not unique just a sheep now err i mean bandwagon participant lol


    original… see i told ya … predictable sunshine :wink:

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