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6 January, 2012 at 6:57 pm #17145
Paratrooper Ben Parkinson has won his battle to stay in the army.
Ben suffered massive injuries in Afghanistan losing both legs and suffered brain damage. Today after a long fight by Ben and his family they were told he is to be allowed to stay in the army…. which incidentally was so important as he will receive the physiotherapy he needs to continue his recovery.
Seems dreadful to me that he has to fight to get continued support when he got his injuries fighting for his country… so much money is wasted in this country, why have this family had to fight for funding?… crazy if you ask me!
7 January, 2012 at 3:38 am #487477Bloody right we should support them mrs teapot, they shouldn’t just be cast aside if they wish to continue and a position can be found for them.
7 January, 2012 at 10:51 am #487478He’s the very tip of a very large iceberg, the UK has a practice of treating ex-service people shoddily that has continued into the modern era of professional soldiering. It undermines many claims of patriotism and takes the shine off many a memorial.
7 January, 2012 at 12:07 pm #487479@Wordsworth50 wrote:
He’s the very tip of a very large iceberg, the UK has a practice of treating ex-service people shoddily that has continued into the modern era of professional soldiering. It undermines many claims of patriotism and takes the shine off many a memorial.
Well seems we have money for some things words… its a strange world aint it?
It’s been revealed that the Scottish Government spent £42,772 on a party for the pandas arrival from China. This was despite the promise that the pandas wouldn’t cost the taxpayer a penny, which is true. They haven’t cost the taxpayer a penny, they’ve cost the taxpayer 427,7200 pennies. :shock:
7 January, 2012 at 2:45 pm #487480@mrs_teapot wrote:
@Wordsworth50 wrote:
He’s the very tip of a very large iceberg, the UK has a practice of treating ex-service people shoddily that has continued into the modern era of professional soldiering. It undermines many claims of patriotism and takes the shine off many a memorial.
Well seems we have money for some things words… its a strange world aint it?
It’s been revealed that the Scottish Government spent £42,772 on a party for the pandas arrival from China. This was despite the promise that the pandas wouldn’t cost the taxpayer a penny, which is true. They haven’t cost the taxpayer a penny, they’ve cost the taxpayer 427,7200 pennies. :shock:
The country is not skint Mrs T, the way the government spends our money indicates its priorities and, until we care enough to get rid of them, ours.
7 January, 2012 at 10:37 pm #487481£43,000 is p1ss all compared to the £25 billion owed in taxes by big businesses in this country. Vodafone have just been let off £4.8 billion.
7 January, 2012 at 10:44 pm #487482Risk dying for your country? Nothing compares to those brave souls, I want peace but I wouldn`t die for it, I think every living thing matters but I`d rather lose pandas than those souls who face death just for the chance, one day, it`ll change things
7 January, 2012 at 10:52 pm #487483@nemesis wrote:
Risk dying for your country? Nothing compares to those brave souls, I want peace but I wouldn`t die for it, I think every living thing matters but I`d rather lose pandas than those souls who face death just for the chance, one day, it`ll change things
I’d rather the big businesses paid up. Still, pandas are an easy target.
8 January, 2012 at 12:06 am #487484It seems ludicrous that any amount of money is frittered away so willingly by any government be it for Pandas or any other Creature removed from its native soil. What is even more appalling is the Billions of Pounds we pump into Europe annually when no one wants to be collectively governed from Brussels, and , nor do we wish to become categorised as Europeans, I’m English and proud to stay English.
On the matter of Servicemen getting a raw deal I feel several points are being overlooked, I agree loss of limbs is a tragic consequence of conflict but hasten to add all parties joining any of the services are aware of what fate might befall them. That said. As an Ex Serviceman injured in conflict I was offered the best medical treatment available without the usual waiting list currently prevalent on the NHS. I was offered re training in a profession of my choice when Medical discharge was the only option. The sad fact is that avarice effects servicemen as well as civilians and if Joe Bloggs gets 30 K for losing a leg the next casualty wants more. Servicemen are now able to take the offers of “No Win No Fee” Insurance/assurance Companies something we must thank our American Cousins for.
The Prime purpose of any Service is to provide as best a lifestyle upon recovery from injury as is possible, Not to give mum & dad a bigger home , newer car and holidays in Benidorm twice a year.
Injuries are a fact of service life. What you should be asking is WTF are we doing in Afghanistan, Why were we part of Americas quest for Oil supremacy in Iraq, these are the salient points not the amount Johnny gets for losing a testicle.
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