Boards Index General discussion Getting serious PARAMEDIC VERSUS THE YORKSHIRE RIPPER!!!!

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  • #303872

    Ive worked in various courts for 18 years and google the obvious.


    butterflyangel … let me add to the excellent advice you have received from Sharon.

    Provided you get yourselves to a good lawyer NOW you may still be in time to start a claim process. you don’t need to personally research what compensation amounts others have received because to some extent it is irrelevant – other than as a general guide maybe.

    Getting into a ”campaign” may well be interesting and occupy your time a bit, but it totally misses the central point here. You simply MUST focus on the central issue which is getting a larger (NOT fairer) compensation offer for Nick. Anything else is simply vanity and a distraction.

    You will be asked to quantify Nick’s losses – past present and estimated future losses. How much did he earn … what promotions / pay rises would he reasonably have expected to receive over time …. what were his pension rights … was he insured by his employer against work related injury … was he a member of a Union … did they have insurance for their members and if so, what cover did they offer and was it included in his subscription or chargeable as an extra… …

    …. what were his hobbies / sports / passtimes …. did the injury curtail them in any way … if so how … can he still do them now … if not why not … does he still suffer pain … sleeplessness … loss of appetite .. changed senses (taste hearing sight etc) …….

    …did he suffer any post accident shock … loss of sleep … loss of sexual drive …. loss of family .. loss of amenity … has his life changed substantially … if so – how … and so on and so forth – the list of things is almost endless BUT ALL these component parts of a claim go together and collectively can result in a higher value claim for compensation.

    Can you begin to see how important it is to REALLY think about the headings under which you might be able to claim compensation??? It is a very complicated process and this is EXACTLY why you really really need a good lawyer that specialises in this sort of thing.

    So for heaven’s sake stop messing about with this silly petition – it won’t get you any money anyway – and take the excellent advice you’ve been given and go to a lawyer !!!


    Has butterflyangel won yet?


    @smiley wrote:

    Has butterflyangel won yet?

    She and Nick are seriously re-evaluating their position in the light of the facts


    OK Sword, thanks. Just feel ,like I’ve come to a dead end with this, and banging my head against a brick wall.


    @butterflyangel wrote:

    OK Sword, thanks. Just feel ,like I’ve come to a dead end with this, and banging my head against a brick wall.

    Hey, I don’t think you’ve come to a dead end, just gone a little off track :) . Sounds like you really love each other, and you are very supportive of each others hopes and dreams, that’s got to be worth something hasn’t it? Don’t give up, you have a really good case there. Are your local papers willing to run the story anyway even without the PS angle? It’s a good human interest story.

    Why don’t you follow steps outlined by PB and take it from there?

    Another thing I do when I’m feeling really down is try to think of what the minimum is that would make me happy. If I look to the future, is there a place I’d like to be in two / three years time. I guess in your case you might like for Nick to be doing a job he loves again – you mentioned doing a nursing diploma. How much financial support would you need to do the course? What is the minimum you can live on for that period to get you back on your feet? Can you think of anyway to get there? There might be charities he can apply to for educational bursaries (PM me if you want help applying to them) he’d certainly have a good case. So, maximise your income, minimise your expenditure and get on that course, at least then you are doing something positive for your family.

    I know it’s really :evil: when you feel like life is just one kick after another, but taking some practical steps yourself and accepting responsibility for your own happiness can make you feel a lot better and help you to move on from this. It sounds like Nick would benefit enormously by doing a job he enjoys again, and that fulfilment is something money can’t buy.

    Good luck.



    I, myself feel a little knocked sideways now and a bit useless after the alleged truth of the non-payout for the Ripper. I dont know what I can do next because it is all down to Nick now. I know that I got this started but I feel like a spare part now.


    @butterflyangel wrote:

    I, myself feel a little knocked sideways now and a bit useless after the alleged truth of the non-payout for the Ripper. I dont know what I can do next because it is all down to Nick now. I know that I got this started but I feel like a spare part now.

    Ah, I see. Well, don’t underestimate how much it probably means to him to know you are there, and behind him all the way. I’m sure he doesn’t see you as a spare part.

    I was thinking about you when I was doing the dishes earlier (you sounded so sad in your previous post), and I still think Nick’s story should be told. Women’s magazines might interested in your experience and how your life has changed as a result. Papers like the Mail love stories about thugs. The weekend supplements on the broadsheets often have articles about people unusual experiences – The Guardian’s is called ‘My Experience and you can e-mail in the story easily. I know you’d only get small payments for these, but it would be something

    I also wondered (and I’m sorry if you’re offended by this) whether you had any counselling or support groups or anything. The wound obviously runs deeper than any physical scar, and I wonder if it would help to talk one-to-one with someone about how you and Nick feel, or to meet others who are in a similar position. Just a thought anyway.

    All the best, and as I say, I’m sure the gesture of your support means much more than the result.



    Thank you for those kind words, we have tried selling our story to the womens magazines but they are not interested. I dont know what else i can do


    I don’t think it matters about the ripper story whether he got a million or just one pound the point is what you were offered just isn’t enough. Have you though about a meeting with a local MP. Sometimes the opposition cant wait to have a ago at the current government.

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