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  • #3060


    A panther strolling through the park
    Disguised as a woman of beauty
    Yet her fate lay before her

    From a concealed area
    Her perpetrator launched
    Wrestled her to the floor

    Though she did not just lie there
    She struggled with all her might
    Her thoughts as dark as the sky

    Sat upon her stomach
    Fist clenched
    It struck her jaw

    Still with
    fight in her
    The panther awoke
    Out came the claws

    With a fling of her paw
    Her nails caught some flesh
    Blood was her reward

    The villain now in pain
    Anger grew to rage
    Now he wants to kill

    Open hand thrust forward
    Grabbed the woman’s throat
    Air became tight

    Life in the panther fading
    The claws retract
    Paws fall limp by her side

    Then was it a reflection
    The moon in her eye
    Or had the cat awoke once more

    The power of the panther had faded
    The alertness never died
    Within her heart she was alive

    Then her hand reached out
    Into the stomach of her bag
    Took hold of one last hope

    With one last effort
    Her hand rose to his face
    Squeezed with all her heart

    The chemicals poured out
    Rained into his eyes
    The devil was blind

    His grip disappeared
    As she clambered to her feet
    Almost free

    With a fleeting glance at her enemy
    She began to run
    The panther set for home



    Intrigueing and interesting , could not understand the significance of the panther though (is there any Oss?) -William :)


    Hi Oss…
    I like your poem, tried to find a fearless panther, but found this awesome tiger.




    William mate, it just to show there is a wild animal in us all, even a beautiful woman when the time is needed :D


    Understood Oss ,juat wondered-William :)


    An intriguing poem indeed oss….made me shudder a bit I must say



    Cheers for your lovely comments Angels.

    Angel darlin, was it a good shudder though :D

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