the person comment on what the 2 guys said sounds like chinese whispers to me .
Infact if she did hear them say this cr@p wouldn’t sHe been taking off the plane as a witness.
mind you they wouldn’t of been speaking in english.
if you seen these 2 guys on the news (i did ) their first language wasn’t english.
Its only take one passenger to make the whole plane jumpy.
the whole situation got out of hand and people try to make things sound more exciting
not to mention that the news teams who like to juice up the story.
just some idiot got scared cause they were speaking in hindi or something
if i came on with a islamic bible and a full beard people would be jumpy, regardless of the fact i would be just getting home.
at the end of the day the pilot got his plane off the ground and they moved the 2 guys to the next flight just to keep an uncivil situation calm.
i don’t blame airport , nor the goverment .