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25 September, 2015 at 8:36 pm #20416
So it was announced on the news today that the government are thinking of scrapping free school dinners for every child in primary schools from Reception to Yr2 in the forthcoming autumn budget. Only after being introduced a year ago. As it was brought in by the coalition not the current government.
This will allegedly save the government £600 million !!!! Over how long it wasn’t stated but that figure seems extremely high.
The free school meal scheme that comes from a separate 14 billion budget that coincidently isn’t included in the “Ring fenced” schools budget.
Several schools have invested thousands of pounds in building kitchens providing the facility to enable their pupils to benefit.
This scheme has proven to benefit the children’s learning. As they are eating properly therefore able to concentrate better.
Because it has been across the board a large proportion have taken it up (who wouldn’t beats making a packed lunch everyday) & there is none of the social stigma that there once was with children on free school dinner.
It concerns me that for some of these kids it’s the only hot meal of the day they get, the only nutritionally balanced meal they get. For some children only time they sit at a table with others gaining valuable social skills that they might not get at home.
Am I the only one concerned about this?
How do you feel about this potential change?
13 December, 2015 at 5:23 pm #818980Like you said, apart from the benefit of hot food in their tums for the afternoon session, so many schools have had to upgrade their kitchens to cope with the demand these extra meals have made. I know of children who can’t have a breakfast in the morning and their only decent meal is the one provided by the school.
They give it, then they take it away…….again it’s another way of hitting the low income family.
Reading the TES regularly it’s plain to see that Labour give to education and the Tories take back saying there’s no proof of any benefits in all areas from hot food to TAs to SEN resources.
16 January, 2016 at 4:50 pm #983020And the poor get poorer
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