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  • #271709

    Moan moan moam immigrates this and send them all back….

    Just how many building sites have you work on?

    When was the last time you work?

    And just how many trainees do you have?

    We can all tell that you’re a waste of space living off the backs of the taxpayers.

    The only reason you are interested in council housing is because you hope to get one some day.

    You sit there in your dark little room with the state paying your bills while other people work.

    It’s not your fault is it? Its always the immigrants…….

    Its not your fault your out of work it’s the immigrants again.

    It’s not your fault you fail at school, its immigrants again.

    Well I have news for you, it is your fault your life is so sh1ty and has long has you blame the “immigrants” it always will be.

    Learn one thing, no one care about you and you don’t matter, your simple not important to matter.

    Sort yourself out and get on with your sad little life.


    @dead_on_arrvial wrote:

    Moan moan moam immigrates this and send them all back….

    Just how many building sites have you work on?

    When was the last time you work?

    And just how many trainees do you have?

    We can all tell that you’re a waste of space living off the backs of the taxpayers.

    The only reason you are interested in council housing is because you hope to get one some day.

    You sit there in your dark little room with the state paying your bills while other people

    It’s not your fault is it? Its always the immigrants…….

    Its not your fault your out of work it’s the immigrants again.

    It’s not your fault you fail at school, its immigrants again.

    Well I have news for you, it is your fault your life is so sh1ty and has long has you blame the “immigrants” it always will be.

    Learn one thing, no one care about you and you don’t matter, your simple not important to matter.

    Sort yourself out and get on with your sad little life.

    Have you cr a p ped in your bed today or something?

    Live your own life instead of having a full length-fur lined-ocean going-teflon coated-royal moan and talking like a chicken on some life shortening drug enhanced trip!


    “Just how many building sites have you work on?”

    The word is “worked”, and its probably been about 40 ish THIS year numbnuts, I’ve already mentioned what I do for a living lol

    And I take on one trainee, although theyre actually called (“mates” seeing as its electric) per year but dont pay for any certification for them until I’ve had two years out of them

    But despite what you seem to believe from the government spin we DONT have a shortage of electricians, plumbers, gas engineers or even nurses in this country, certainly not in the midlands at least

    Nurses being the best example, we imported several thousand foreign nurses many of which we’re now stuck with, many of whom couldnt even speak english, many of whom arrived with HIV or Aids the treatment of which far outpaces their tax contributions, many of which with kids whos education costs far surpass their tax contributions and all because an alleged shortage of nurses

    A shortage despite the fact that only 1 in 3 nurses born and educated in THIS country ever get a job nursing here which isnt an isolated occurence in an isolate sector

    So before you start believing spin try checking your facts eh?

    But sidetracking back from the divergence, the point is that council housing COULD be run as not only a profitable business on many levels but it could also be a far more effective method of training than college only based training

    The problem ISNT that we have public sector housing, the problem is that its managed innefficiently and fixing that is a far better thing to do than simply scrapping the concept which is simply the lazy approach

    And out of curiosity is english youre third language perchance?

    Its seems ironically comical that youre claiming education is SOOOOOOOOOOO fabulously successful and yet seem to have grammar (thats not your grandads wife btw) and spelling (nothing to do with magic) of a 12 year old with learning dissabilities

    Perhaps if youre own language skills are what you class as “good” then our scholastic system WOULD seem ab fab to you, but its far from the case when viewed from even an average intellectual level that I would hope you may one day aspire to


    So you’re an electrician are you?

    Seems you have been shocked a few too many times.

    Lets find out if your telling the truth.

    What colour is your cscs card and who issues it?

    How long does it take to train an electrician on day release?

    Any why have we stopped calling trainees mates?


    LOL, anything to try and wriggle out of actually discussing the topic eh?

    Well firstly the CSCS is a bit of an eroneous AND an irrelevant question, its NOT compulsory for one, any div even you could simply google it to find out anything relating to the card and thirdly you’ll find as with part P many people in the industry dont bother with it as its just another tax really and at the lowest level just requires you sit a VERY basic H&S test most or all of which will have already been covered on any technical course from the part P pile of nonsense up to degree level anyway, so its simply another stealth tax that accomplishes nothing whatsoever of any value

    Even on sites where its preferred it ONLY applies to people directly working on the construction which isnt our line of work anyway and we dont need it either for industrial 1 or three phase, domestic, comercial or tertiary work as its ONLY a construction industry specific card, not an electrical one, and even sites that ask for it from their construction contractors dont usually ask for people providing primary feeds (IE portacabin supplies + burglar alarms/alarm signalling/CCTV) as its classed as an ancilliary task provided by the people we work for who are the renters of the portacabins and is their responsibility to cover H&S, plus the firms we do work for we have worked for for almost a decade and a half, so I think its safe to say were well past the point where they would need a worthless bit of paper to prove competency really lol

    And before you get even more desperate to avoid discussing the actual topic I also dont need a 715 as I am fully self employed and not a sub contractor so I invoice in full

    I dont know how long day release is because I dont and wont pay for it, if you check back I said I pay for CERTIFICATION, not training so I dont know how long it takes and dont care

    The last one is even more eroneous, theres no “we”, I have and still do call an electricians mate a mate, its what they were called 20 years ago when I first did my 236/224 and 185 and I’ve never felt or seen any reason to call them anything else and dont prescribe to the touchy feely left wing politically correct nonsense and never will,, so YOU might not call them “mates”, but I do and so does everyone of the 50 or more other electricians, alarm installers, inspectors and engineers I know, infact I’ve never heard them called anything else to be honest

    Anyway, a mate isnt a “trainee”, someone can be a mate for their entire working life and many people I’ve known have been as its an electrical version of a labourer and isnt simply a stepping stone towards being an electrician as many people dont have the acumen to be an electrician but DO have the wherewithall to pull in wires, chisel out back boxes and connect things up

    A trainee however has also always been called a trainee, and people can be either or both as they arent the same thing, I also still call a screwdriver a screwdriver and a hammer a hammer before you ask that too


    You have written a page and still did not answer the questions.

    What u should have said was the card is now the new skill card has well has heath and safety. (ECS/CSCS)

    The point of having these cards is to prove to anyone who asks that you are certificated if asked and h&s trained.

    From the first of January there are compulsory for any trade working on sites.

    715 ended too in Apr this year too.

    There are new rules for all of this.

    Certification for electricians has change too.

    Has for people working has electricians “mates” that has end.

    There just classed has “labours “, trainees electricians are paid at a higher rate and must be on a training program.

    Its takes 4 years to train a trainee on day release, I am surprise you don’t know that.

    You don’t need to be an electrician to part “p” its only a 5 day course, myself and most of my staff had to do it a few years ago.

    You seem to have a very poor idea of how to run a business and I am surprise you can get insurant.

    The world is changing, and you may not have the new paper work or be following the new H & S rules, but I am sure the rest of the electricians are.


    Correction, I did answer the questions, just not as you wanted

    The CSCS wont be compulsory for me or anyone working for me unless we start doing installation on a new site which we dont, we currently wire up and repair the electrics and alarms for the site portacabins and any temporary buildings which I stated, and as I also stated the CSCS crud just doesnt apply to me or anyone who works for me at all, I also said that I COULD if I could have been bothered or seen any reason or purpose to have simply googled it and reeled off a load of worthless information till your ickle heart was content, as could a bus driver, a cook, a lollipop lady or a cripple in a wheelchair making the question and answer totally irrelevant as I did already point out

    Again with the “mates” thing, what you call them is what you call them. I call them what I want, its not illegal and you will find that it still is and will be for a very long time a commonly used term apart from larger companies perhaps and politically correct management heavy organisations like councils who have nothing better to do than whinge and whine about what people should or shouldnt call each other, most people couldnt really care less what theyre called as long as they get paid

    Infact just to make it completely clear IF I wanted to I can quite legally and legitamately call someone a box knocker and STILL employ them as an electricians mate, its not illegal in the slightest

    And a minor point, but as you seem intent on talking endless pointless and eroneous waffle its AS not HAS and its labourERS not labours

    I also dont know why youre surprised I dont know what the current legnth of time is for an electrical certificate seeing as I already pointed out I dont pay for training, I’ve only ever paid for certification which is at the moment just the part P seeing as its cheap and covers the only domestic rooms where someone who is classed as only “competent” either needs to self certify or get an independant certifier in, so even now in a domestic property you dont need any qualifications at all for work in any room or outside, but you do need a partial certificate issued for outside and rooms with water, but as I also said earlier, and just the same as the CSCS part P is also a waste of time, a flailing joke and another stealth tax, and you can actually do it in 2 or three days rather than 5 and less if its just an additoon to a corgi certification where it can be done as a one day course if you shop around

    The only really worthwhile training at the moment is the 16th edition really which is also about to be superceeded

    All still totally eroneous and totally unconnected to whether we should have council houses tho, totally not connected to whether the schools are worse and less people are getting a better edution and not even related to whether immigrant workers are displacing indigenous ones, all topics you seem intent on avoiding a response to by waffling on about eroneous irrelevant nonsense i already told you at the start just doesnt apply to me to begin with

    Infact on the topic of useless education, I also have a full 185 with distinctions throughout which I did in 1 year rather than three which is about as much use within the industry as toilet paper with winnie the pooh pictures on it and is still more use to me than a CSCS card

    That IS your answer whether or not its the one you were fishing for


    you have miss the point again.

    A lablour costs £6 per hour to employ.

    A trainnee cost £8 a hour at 18 years old.

    They do the same job, but one is £80 a week cheaper to employ that the other.


    @ubermik wrote:

    … much use within the industry as toilet paper with winnie the pooh pictures on it….

    Oi!!! Less of the insults to my mate Winie the Pooh if you don’t mind !!! Toilet paper indeed !!!

    However, you CAN refer to toilet paper with pictures of DOA on though, as we would all enjoy wiping our … no better leave it there eh?


    Has we would all enjoy wiping our … no better leave it there eh?

    sorry couldnt resist :)

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