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  • #151879

    Lmao @ Hop On… :lol: Dicky Back Ride… :D/


    @green-willy wrote:

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    What’s up with your regular sign in Tommy?? PM me, tell me the problem, and I will sort it out for you OK?

    I changed my e-mail addy in a huff a few weeks back, forgot it deactivates the c*nt!! :lol:

    OK Tommy, if you PM me with the updated details I will sort it all out for you.

    (That’ll teach you to change things in a huff eh !!!)


    Ooga booga? Nice to see you, Tommy. Happy birthday. I trust you didn’t over do it with the whores and such like.


    It sure will mr bear (back)!

    [email protected]

    just type that in for me then i can reactivate the thing and update my details and then you can go ahead and clean away my green willy


    @pikey wrote:

    Ooga booga? Nice to see you, Tommy. Happy birthday. I trust you didn’t over do it with the whores and such like.

    Pikey old chap :wink: Was working on my birthday, nights too, so i was asleep during the day and working during the night!


    Good stuff. Has it all calmed down now? We could do with you back in Serious Posts


    Got a few spare days this week so i’ll be back on :) then next month i’m going to yankland for a couple weeks, so i won’t be hanging people then either


    :lol: We’ll have to just make the most of you while you’re here, then.


    I’m a changed man! How is the Tory race for leadership going? Do I still have a chance? Should I round up my trusty Blueshirts and storm the headquarters now?!


    :lol: Very changed. It was mauve shirts before, eh?

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