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  • #14682

    you type in what you want it translates it back and forth and you end up with

    Original English Text:
    I wonder what this will end up like after being translated from English to whatever and back to English

    Translated to French:
    Je me demande à ce que ceci terminera vers le haut comme après être traduite de l’anglais quoi qu’et de nouveau à l’anglais

    Translated back to English:
    I wonder so that this will finish upwards as after being translated from English no matter what and again with English

    Translated to German:
    Ich wundere mich, damit dieses aufwärts wie beendet, nachdem es von Englisch egal was und wieder mit Englisch übersetzt worden ist

    Translated back to English:
    I am surprised, so that this terminates upward as, after it by English all the same which and again with English was translated

    Translated to Italian:
    Sono sorpreso, di modo che questo termina verso l’alto come, dopo dall’inglese tutti gli stessi quale e con l’inglese è stato tradotto ancora

    Translated back to English:
    They are surprised, so that this finishes towards the high one like, after by English all the same ones which and with English it is translate still

    Translated to Portuguese:
    São surpreendidos, de modo que este termine para elevado como, em seguida pelo inglês todos os mesmos qual e com inglês que é traduza ainda

    Translated back to English:
    All are surprised, so that this finishes for high as, after that by the English the same which and with English that is still translates

    Translated to Spanish:
    Todos se sorprenden, de modo que éste acabe para el alto como, después que por el inglés iguales cuál y con el inglés que todavía está traduce

    Translated back to English:
    All are surprised, so that this one finishes for the high one like, after by English the equals which and with the English that still is translates


    Original English Text:
    Treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself

    Translated to French:
    Traitez d’autres car vous souhaiteriez être traité

    Translated back to English:
    Treat others because you would wish to be treated

    Translated to German:
    Behandeln Sie andere, weil Sie behandelt werden möchten

    Translated back to English:
    Treat others, because you would like to be treated

    Translated to Italian:
    Tratti altri, perché vorreste essere curato

    Translated back to English:
    Sections others, because you would want to be cured

    Translated to Portuguese:
    Seções outro, porque você quereria ser curado

    Translated back to English:
    Sections another one, because you would want to be cured

    Translated to Spanish:
    Secciona otro, porque usted querría ser curado

    Oops. The babel fish is being particularly unreliable right now. Perhaps try again after a cup of tea?

    Oops I think I broke it :lol:


    It’s times like this that I miss Will



    @toybulldog wrote:

    It’s times like this that I miss Will



    :lol: :lol:


    Sorry – There’s always one who’s going to try a silly thing as such.. :lol:

    Original English Text:
    Donkey Dick

    Translated to French:
    Âne Dick

    Translated back to English:
    Dick ass

    Translated to German:

    Translated back to English:
    Thick donkey

    Translated to Italian:
    Asino spesso

    Translated back to English:
    Ass often

    Translated to Portuguese:
    Burro frequentemente

    Translated back to English:
    Donkey frequently

    Translated to Spanish:
    Burro con frecuencia

    Translated back to English:
    Donkey frequently

    I am not going to boast in Portugal (saying is too long)- I’d be better off just showing them!

    Goes off to translate ‘Call The Police’


    Original English Text:
    Isn’t it a lovely day

    Translated to French:
    Isn’ ; t il un beau jour

    Translated back to English:
    Isn’ T it one beautiful day

    Translated to German:
    Isn’ T es ein schöner Tag

    Translated back to English:
    Isn’ T it a beautiful day

    Translated to Italian:
    Isn’ T un bello giorno

    Translated back to English:
    Isn’ T a beautiful day

    Translated to Portuguese:
    Isn’ T um o dia bonito

    Translated back to English:
    Isn’ T one the pretty day

    Translated to Spanish:
    Isn’ T uno el día bonito

    Translated back to English:
    Isn’ T the one day tuna



    Original English Text:
    Little Miss Muffet
    Sat on a tuffet
    Eating her curds and whey
    Along came a spider
    And sat down beside her
    And frightened Miss Muffet away
    Translated to French:
    Petite Mlle Muffet
    SAT sur un tuffet
    Manger de ses laits caillés et petit lait le long est venu une araignée
    Et assis près de elle
    Et Mlle effrayée Muffet loin

    Translated back to English:
    Small Miss Muffet SAT on a tuffet To eat her curdled milk and whey length came a spider And sat close to it And frightened Miss Muffet far

    Translated to German:
    Kleines Fräulein Muffet SAT auf einem tuffet, zum ihres geronnenen Milch- und Molkelänge zu essen kam eine Spinne und saß nah an ihr und erschrak Fräulein Muffet weit

    Translated back to English:
    Small Ms Muffet SAT on one tuffet, to their run milk and whey length to eat came a spider and sat near at it and frightened Ms Muffet far

    Translated to Italian:
    Piccola sig.ra Muffet SAT su un tuffet, al loro latte di esecuzione e lunghezza del siero di latte da mangiare è venuto un ragno e si è seduta vicino ed ha spaventato sig.ra Muffet lontano

    Translated back to English:
    Small sig.ra Muffet SAT on a tuffet, to their latte of execution and length of the serum of latte to eat has come a spider and it has sat down near and it has scared sig.ra Muffet far away

    Translated to Portuguese:
    Sig.ra pequeno Muffet SAT em um tuffet, a seu latte da execução e a comprimento do soro do latte a comer veio uma aranha e sentou-se para baixo próximo e scared sig.ra Muffet longe

    Translated back to English:
    Sig.ra small Muffet SAT in one tuffet, its latte of the execution and the length of the serum of latte to eat lode a spider and sat down next and scared downward sig.ra Muffet far

    Translated to Spanish:
    Sig.ra pequeño Muffet SAT en un tuffet, su latte de la ejecución y la longitud del suero del latte para comer la veta una araña y sentado después y sig.ra hacia abajo asustado Muffet lejos

    Translated back to English:
    Sig.ra small Muffet the SAT in tuffet, his latte of the execution and the length of the serum of latte to eat the vein far a spider and seated and sig.ra later downwards scared Muffet

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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