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8 July, 2015 at 3:44 pm #526185
Are we having an invasion from Patschat at the moment? :-k
8 July, 2015 at 4:09 pm #526186I am a naif when it comes to pat’s.
I went over there recently but couldn’t see how it worked, and nobody ever seemed around to chat.
I gather it’s where the really nasty chat happens – people faking trust in order to wheedle out details of personal grief and hopes and thwarted dreams and then publicising this very personal stuff to the great glee of all; this is seen as the height of wit.
I also gather it’s got trolls who latch on to one person and pick and harp on words and comments in a negative, unpleasant manner. This harping on is perpetual, and is seen as a wild success if it catches people in a cycle of rage. The only way to win against this waste of DNA is – to get out of the cycle before it whirls, or best if you can at all do so not to step on in the first place.
I’m sure the newbies here are not like that, really, and will all settle down to make a positive useful contribution – won’t they?
8 July, 2015 at 4:22 pm #526187scep,of course ive seen “your pops” at me but i just find it funny tbh and so does big sue
the thing is patschat is not chat its a message board theres a kind of difference
if you want chat brigg try jc 3
well when i say chat like?
also not sure if it was me or my trusty sidekick lucy who outed sk within the first day he posted
ah well
go easy on “the digs” scep
or it will all end up with you in tears
ok buddy now think on.8 July, 2015 at 4:27 pm #526188fùck you, im no ones side kick
Good to see ya back Rogue x
8 July, 2015 at 4:30 pm #526189@Mr Harp wrote:
@trapper wrote:
@Mr Harp wrote:
@trapper wrote:
@trapper wrote:
Basically who is sk ?
@Mr Harp wrote:
Meanwhile. SK is a racist, sexist. homophobe, misogynist from Pats/chat who is obsessed unhealthily with Lucy.
@Mr Harp wrote:
@sceptical guy wrote:
thank you very much indeed, Mr Harp.
Now we know. :D :D :D
Who is “we” Mr Septic? You mean you. Unless of course I am missing something here.
yep you’re missing something
Still haven’t worked out what I am missing. Are you suggesting Mr Septic was replying to your question, or are you suggesting Mr Septic was replying to mine. If you are going to quote on behalf of Mr Septic then don’t misquote the conversation. Not a difficult concept is it.
fuck off…hows that for a non difficult concept
Quite funny. You remind of DOA from Pa/tschat only not quite as bright. Do me a pic trapper do me a pic.
Ah slinging sarcastic and barbed comments around… been there done that.. I’d like to think in defence but I probably started quite a lot of them and with far better opponents such as Geoff, Dagger, Gazlan et al. I really can’t be bothered with any of that anymore.
You missed the we being either me and scep as I asked the question who is sk and you answered..or more likely he was using we as in Justchat posters collectively
Do hope that helps :P
8 July, 2015 at 4:33 pm #526190@sceptical guy wrote:
will all settle down to make a positive useful contribution – won’t they?
Unlikely ….
8 July, 2015 at 4:33 pm #526191And as much as I’d love to re-acquaint with some posters in Pats there are too many I’d rather not but I am registered there
8 July, 2015 at 4:34 pm #526192I miss Gazlan!
8 July, 2015 at 4:40 pm #526193first of all waves to my super sleuth prodigy,alright luce no kisses we deal in a professional attitude well when at work we do.
and secondly
yes i remember gaz,i thought he was alright,geoff a bit inny pinny for me,he was like a race horse ok at 7 furlongs but he would never last 4 miles at aintree
its stamina that counts in life.8 July, 2015 at 4:40 pm #526194 -
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