Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Ok so what does trolling mean?……
1 August, 2018 at 3:01 pm #1101411
Orson kart/cosy/coise well i am not a fan of him, i have seen him threaten NINE, and say he can beat me up, he seems like a angry dumb person.
one day i said to someone “what computer lang did u learn” then cosy said “jn dont insult her” i said “what do u mean cosy” he said “idk lol” he then he trolled me on the threads then I defended myself on the thread, then i got label as bad, when all i did and do is defend my self, online and offline, anyone who dissagrees with me, just be quiet, as i am not interested in your opinion, i will not change my opnion about my self and others unless i do it my self not by some dumb comment from someone, eveyone on my list right, is on there for a reason, like i cleary say on it, but the crazy world of chat rooms is if people attack someone by defending there self, they get called a troll, *acts like he has selective mutism*
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
1 August, 2018 at 3:31 pm #1101414@mooosey88 u are a troll as u did not tell me my phone is charged now…..
1 August, 2018 at 4:53 pm #1101416Name the troll (sorry, am into comix atm)
1 August, 2018 at 5:21 pm #1101417that image looks like me walking to asda, but the other way, u know that small guy think of him just taller than most other people, i am only 5,10 1/2 but where i live i am taller than most it is odd as i use to be the small guy where i lived once, not the tables have turned.
I wish I was a little bit taller
I wish I was a baller
I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her
I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat
And a six four Impala1 August, 2018 at 6:41 pm #1101418@mooosey88 u are a troll as u did not tell me my phone is charged now…..
A multitude of apologies oh great one
And btw, your ‘ding meal’ just pinged
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2 August, 2018 at 7:27 am #1101432Thank you scep for your support and a “A earnest woman from New York,” comment.
Now we just got to work out lol, “I do know, how to read, write, and understand the English language.” Do I make sense? Lol. X
you’re welcome.
Please, cut and paste this comment for future use against anyone still harbouring ignorant illusions about you.
I met Linda earlier this year in London,where we had lunch. She was kindly bringing me US blu-rays which could not be purchased in the UK without heavy expense.
She was able to speak perfectly good English, grammatically correct, amusing, intelligent.
She doesn’t write in this way, however.
That doesn’t mean that she needs to be translated. Those people who demand translation aren’t exactly models of grammar themselves. Not that that bothers me; my typos and grammatical errors appear as well. It’s chat, not a contest in literacy.
She doesn’t write in shorthand. I know this because my sister does write in shorthand.
She writes in her own style, which she says is a result of her past jobs.
She writes in the form of a ‘memo to self’, notes.
One problem with this is that sometimes only ‘self’ can understand it, but rather than ask for translation, ask her to explain something you don’t understand. If asked politely, she will gladly answer.
Another problem is that sometimes it is misunderstood. but again, this is hardly unique to Linda. The explosions that rock this place are more often caused by misunderstanding and premature judgements than they are by actual trolls.
I don’t want to keep repeating myself, so there it is. And now it’s done.
What is the point in Linda typing? if the only one who can understand it is herself she might as well just talk to herself and forget about wasting her time typing.
She can’t even read and understand either and takes a positive post as a negative one.
No point in bothering to type direct to Linda as she is unable to read what is put or write in an understandable language to reply.
There is also no point in asking her to explain anything either as all you get is another load of typing with no sense to it.
Definitely not a form of shorthand as is even more long winded where a simple sentence would do as a reply all you get is a load more rubbish.
Maybe now she is learning sign language she could use that instead of typing.
extreme trolling again Phil
2 August, 2018 at 7:31 am #1101433Sadly another unwarranted attack from our resident troll.
Linda has earnt respect in the rooms and boards unlike our resident troll.
When will he stop lashing out?
Perhaps Martin will give him a dose of his own medicine and ban him.
Im convinced the boards would be more harmonious.
So I can see. At least you told everyone that you was going to troll before you did it.
So when are you going to quit the trolling?
Does this make any sense to anyone ? anyone ?
And you have the nerve to say Linda doesn’t make sense ? Are you taking some form of medication that would account for your very odd behaviour in attacking Linda for no apparent reason and typing nonsense ?
he def should be on some medication
2 August, 2018 at 10:26 am #1101441I’m always Def when it comes to Def Lepperd……..LMAO….
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2 August, 2018 at 1:15 pm #1101448@mooosey88 thanks for telling me my ding meal is ready, wait a min are u in my flat *looks around his flat looks in the dead body bag room looks in the leather face basement*
2 August, 2018 at 1:26 pm #1101451*coughs*
I’m thinking 50 shades of Aqua Marine…….
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
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