Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Ok so what does trolling mean?……
27 July, 2018 at 8:49 pm #1101166
um that was the question…..LMAO….you all have a great weekend…….
27 July, 2018 at 9:50 pm #1101169Well I’ll assume you meant the ‘internet’ version of trolling and not the fishing one.
Trolling – (verb), as it relates to internet, is the deliberate act, (by a Troll – noun or adjective), of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments on various internet forums with the intent to provoke an emotional knee jerk reaction from unsuspecting readers to engage in a fight or argument
Which is where Hugs gets it wrong all the time. People are allowed to disagree with an opinion and voice it without being a Troll. There is a difference. Trolls don’t have an opinion, they just say what they need to, to provoke a reaction.
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27 July, 2018 at 9:53 pm #1101171Some do it in a very ‘polite’ manner … they are still trolls though. I do believe one such as this has had yet another identity banned
27 July, 2018 at 10:28 pm #1101172So trolls just like to create a fight then or stir things up or cause misery?
27 July, 2018 at 11:18 pm #1101177I guess so like you saying the sky is blue, a troll will say ” no its green and you have a big nose ”
a bit OTT but you get the drift lol
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27 July, 2018 at 11:21 pm #1101179I guess so, my take on it is they will just take the opposite view to anything you type in order to provoke or prolong a disagreement. Or they can just target someone and be vile and bullying for no other reason than they get a kick out of it. I’m sure others can define it better than me
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27 July, 2018 at 11:27 pm #1101180which is where hugs gets it wrong. Hugs calls anyone who disagrees with him a troll. maybe sometimes they are but a lot of the time they just disagree ! it is still allowed to voice an opinion in disagreement, just, though with so many snowflakes nowadays, feeling it is their job to feel outraged and offended on ‘behalf’ of others I don’t think it will be long before anyone voicing an opinion is labelled in a derogatory manner. hate snowflakes !!! except in winter
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28 July, 2018 at 12:30 am #1101181a (online troll) is someone who starts a prob with someone for no good reason, it is not (banter) banter is just joking like that example of the sky thing, it is not attacking someone, it is just sarcasm, if that person who is saying it is green starts then insulting that person, then it wud be trolling.
but if someone lets say A calls B a peado etc, A is doing that to try and upset or and anger B, the troll is making a problem with someone on purpose for no good reason, a (online troll) is a offline bully, a bully does it as they want to upset or anger someone on purposes aswell.
also if B then attacks A it dont = B is a troll to, if it was offline B would just be defending there self.
also if B does not like A and sees A attack someone he likes, then B attacks A, that as they dont want the person they like being attacked by A, as say the person they like is C, they cud have a weak mind so dont know how to deal with being attacked, so then they cud get upset or and angry at A, if that example was offline, B wud just be defending C so again B is not the troll/ bad person aka bully, (no it is not 2 wrongs dont make a right) A is the bad person B is a protector and or self-defender, A personalty is not acceptable to humans who understand what being kind is.
also if B attacks A when A did not say anything to B another time or and day, but if A thinks it is ok to attack B some day and not get insults said about them, well they should not of started the prob with B, if it was a example offline, say with some mp who called someone a peado etc, for no good reason, people will then blv the person the mp called someone a peado, is a peado and if the mp dont say why he is a peado people will ? the other person, like what happens people get called a peado or and rapist, then people ? if they are a peado or rapist, even if that person is found not to be either of them 2 horrible things, it dont matter that mp has started a prob what cud fuk that other persons life up, so if that person who got called a peado or and rapist attacked the mp with words or and even physiclal, can u blame him, i dont as it is like some person who got beat up a lot by there partner then that person defends there self one day but accidentaly kills them, sadly in this world idiots will call the person who defended there self the bad person, when in fact it is the other person who is the bad person, yes u cud say well we need more mature humans to understand that what someone gets called, dont mean it is fact, say A called some person a peado again and again then more people will ? if they are a peado, just look at the news it happens a lot, like idk rolf harris is supposly being called a paedo, his life is now fuked, as people will always have in there mind “oh i am not going near him even if he is not guilty”.
anyone who thinks it is wrong for someone to attack a troll or bully by words or and physciall, obv like having horrible bullys/online trolls on this world, what sane or clever person wants some horrible person that is making some other person life horrible just by one word or the word said repeatly or other words or and pyscally hitting someone, if i or and anyone defends agianst some known person who says one or more no reason insults to someone, that dont mean (2 wrongs dont = a right) (it is 1 wrong aka the bully/online troll, and 1 right aka the defender or and protector)
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28 July, 2018 at 12:36 am #1101183basically if you defend yourself against a troll it does not make you a Troll ? yes ?
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28 July, 2018 at 10:17 am #1101189Only problem with defending one’s self against a troll is that one can get just as bad and then there are two trolls,trolling each other.
Best way is to ignore the troll altogether or if one has to make a public defense, do it but then said troll will probably try to carry it on so then best policy is to ignore…
One can do only 2 things with a fire….stoke it up or put it out….same with troll behavior really….
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