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  • #498069

    @panda12 wrote:

    Tsk Words. Van Gough is related to Darren Gough. Van is Darren’s secret love child. Van is called Van because his mother is from the House of Morrison. :P

    I didn’t think Morrisons did deliveries . . .

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



    @wordsworth60 wrote:

    Shouldn’t it be ‘on form’ not ‘in form’?

    No. I’m in form. Not on it. In it. I’m always stepping in form. Always stepping in it I am!

    Your command of colloquial English is suspect; are you Roman? or worse, Norman?

    I am a neo-lithic agrarian, truth be known. I was on these Islands before even the Celts. Well not me, personally obviously, but my bloodlines!

    And you said you shall pass, but if you pass, won’t you have to change forms?

    No, Her Majesty’s law states nothing about having to change forms when you pass. You may keep your present form when passing, it’s only when advancing must you change forms, unless you have already previously changed forms from your former form, then a loophole in the law states you may keep your current form as long is it isn’t the former form you you formerly in form as.

    How shall we secure future generations if there’s so much bumming going on?

    They’re all yobs these days anyway, we encourage the use of bumming as a sort of ‘genetic cleansing’ method that is both humane – and pleasurable. We let the current generation die out by implementing a policy of compulsory hardcore bumming then start again from scratch without the sh*t modern music and reality TV.

    And if you don’t care for art then what of Shakespeare? Turner? Elgar et al (bloody Romans!)

    We do not care for art at all, Paul Simon however is welcome.

    And who the hell is Van Gough? Is he related to Frank Bough?

    A dutch film-maker that was assasinated in the street by a rather peeved Muslim

    And I hope you include Porter and Stout in your definition of Mead. But what about mead and fine English wines?

    Wine is OK.. as long as it’s white, and drank only by women. And only if the women promise to give handjobs to all the men while we sit around and discuss a deceased dutch film-maker’s bumming activities while listening to Simon. But not Garfunkel.

    This new party is going to take off.. I can feel it. Sign up now!


    @wordsworth60 wrote:

    @panda12 wrote:

    Tsk Words. Van Gough is related to Darren Gough. Van is Darren’s secret love child. Van is called Van because his mother is from the House of Morrison. :P

    I didn’t think Morrisons did deliveries . . .

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    They don’t. It’s a real bug bear of mine. Still, with summer here, bamboo furniture is in abundance. :P


    This is in form? Oh dear!!


    I’ve given up trying to understand Tom. After all, it is impossible to comprehend the incomprehensible.



    @wordsworth60 wrote:

    This is in form? Oh dear!!

    On form*


    @tom wrote:

    No. I’m in form. Not on it.

    And who the hell is Van Gough? Is he related to Frank Bough?

    A dutch film-maker that was assasinated in the street by a rather peeved Muslim

    His name was Van Gogh, at least give him the respect of spelling his name right.



    No it’s not. It’s Van Gough.


    @tom wrote:

    No it’s not. It’s Van Gough.

    No. His name was Theo van Gogh.



    @panda12 wrote:

    @tom wrote:

    No it’s not. It’s Van Gough.

    No. His name was Theo van Gogh.

    No it wasn’t. It was Vincent Van Gough, actually.

    Are you people thick? :?

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