I loved the scene in king of kings where john Wayne, playing the centurion, pointed his spear at Jesus and said ‘Surely this must be the Son of Gawwd’. Apparently in the first take he just said God – as in God giveth and John Wayne taketh away – but the director told him, ‘give it a bit of awe, John, give it a bit of awe’
I told a lie…
I checked and it wasn’t King of Kings, but The Greatest Story Ever Told in which Mr Wayne uttered the immortal line.
This was one of many films in which Hollywood took its sensitive and humble take on the story of some poor bum who had wandered innocently from the streets and suddenly found himself winning an Oscar, putting him on a par with Charlton Heston and Tom Cruise – the rags-to-riches role so beloved of the great directors of yore.

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