Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Nothing wrong with homophobism

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  • #261124

    Tried sexual :P


    Tried/tired? Typo? :wink:


    @ubermik wrote:

    So being called a homophobe doesnt bother me, if I dislike a gay its not BECAUSE they are gay, its because I find them a tedious and obnoxious person full stop, sometimes their sexuality adds to the reasons for that and in other cases it doesnt

    But ostensively I think its every persons right to like or dislike anyone for whatever reasons they have, thats true liberalism and freedom of choice

    Err, isnt that the point Uber- disliking someone who is gay does not make you a homophobe- disliking someone BECAUSE they are gay does.

    Emma follows the sheep mentality which disallows individual thought- the mob culture of disliking someone purely because they are not the same as they are. FRom a childhood perspective, this is why children who are different (ginger hair, walk with a limp, talk with a stutter etc etc) are bullied- into adulthood there traits are continued.

    I dislike lots of people, but its because of who they are NOT what they are


    @slayer wrote:

    disliking someone who is gay does not make you a homophobe- disliking someone BECAUSE they are gay does.

    No. Disliking both is homophobism, which is ok.
    noun an extreme and irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexuals.

    Emma follows the sheep mentality which disallows individual thought – the mob culture of disliking someone purely because they are not the same as they are.

    :roll: No i dont you idiot, i promote individuality. I dont mind someone’s personal choice to be homosexual, just like multiculturalism, i dont have to like it.

    I dislike lots of people, but its because of who they are NOT what they are

    Gay people are who they are slayer…


    Baaa, Baaaa

    If you dislike someone for their colour, creed, sexuality etc without knowing them as an individual, you are stereotyping the individual into a box (tarring all with the same brush).

    It’s like believing (jus cos I’m a Derby fan) that all Leicester fans are in bred f/uckwits- clearly this is at least 99% inaccurate.

    Don’t follow the crowd Emma, be an individual and know people for who they are NOT what they are


    But that is in itself a closed minded view, its just conveniently portrayed as tho it isnt

    Its based on people deciding its not ok to dislike members of certain groups BECAUSE they are members of different groups

    As an example, suppose someone finds an asian who smells of curry because its its staple diet repulsive because of that smell. They would be criticised, called a racist, told to be more tolerant etc

    But were it a white person that smelt the same no problem disliking them

    If someone dislikes gay men because they find the act of anal sex or other things they majoratively do abhorrent that would also be the same were a straight or bi person doing them, but the brainwashed folks would still disagree with them disliking “gays” even tho the dislike isnt JUST because they are gay, but is because of a trait or facet of that gayness

    My personal dislikes are with mincers, something that even other gays often find annoying and with gays who constantly point out theyre gay as tho they are gay first and people second

    I make no apologies for those dislikes nor will I pretend I dont have them just to appease the idiots who think we should all love all the ickle gay folks JUST because they are gay

    Disliking an entire subset on such a premise or liking them on one is no different, both are idiotic mandates but one is selectively and deliberately portrayed as being different and more enlghtened when it isnt

    Actual open mindedness allows for an individuals right to dislike gays just for being gay in the same way it allows for the gays being gay to begin with

    But claiming to support a gays right to be how they are but not a person who dislikes gays EQUAL right IS bigotted, close minded and not liberal in the slightest because its selective and seeks to enforce a value system onto other people making it completely contradictive and hypocritical in its misconception and application


    @ubermik wrote:

    As an example, suppose someone finds an asian who smells of curry because its its staple diet repulsive because of that smell. They would be criticised, called a racist, told to be more tolerant etc

    I take it you mean Pakistani or Indian (Asia is a big place and it says more about you than the rest of the post by stereotyping a whole continent)- actually the staple diet is rice but lets not split hairs.

    If you dislike someone because they smell of curry whats that got to do with their colour, sexuality or creed.

    @ubermik wrote:

    If someone dislikes gay men because they find the act of anal sex or other things they majoratively do abhorrent that would also be the same were a straight or bi person doing them, but the brainwashed folks would still disagree with them disliking “gays” even tho the dislike isnt JUST because they are gay, but is because of a trait or facet of that gayness

    But as most men find oral (and anal) sex a distinctly pleasurable experience when with a woman, then your dislike is because the man is gay NOT the act he enters (sic) into.

    @ubermik wrote:

    I make no apologies for those dislikes nor will I pretend I dont have them just to appease the idiots who think we should all love all the ickle gay folks JUST because they are gay

    Who says we should love gays, or treat them different- don’t treat them differently is exactly how we should be- if I call my mate a c/unt for acting like a tw/at- I’ll do it whatever his sexuality

    @ubermik wrote:

    But claiming to support a gays right to be how they are but not a person who dislikes gays EQUAL right IS bigotted, close minded and not liberal in the slightest because its selective and seeks to enforce a value system onto other people making it completely contradictive and hypocritical in its misconception and application

    It is the very opposite of that- however as a JC newbie, I would not expect anything less as you all have so much to learn, are illiterate when it comes to chat rooms and should have “L” plates on for the first 6 months because your comments are ludicrously laughable


    Right, well firstly asian is a race, and the smelly person could have been from any of the cuntries you mentioned plus countless you didnt

    But unless you can show me where I said ALL people from asia who are asian smell of curry youre “stereotyping” comment is no more than brainwashed left wing reactionary knee jerk rhetoric as I was if you check talking about an individual person, not a race, not a continent and not a subset of asians defined by country, religion or any other seperator

    To see tge stereotyping you need to read your post and the sweeping assumptions and selective interpretation you CHOSE to make with regards what I’d actually written and then try again really

    As for what it has to do with their sexuality, nothing other than making it harder to get laid, but although the example here IS sexuality, the mechanism and interaction is one common to a whole host of topics from sexism to racism and pretty much any “ism” where people selectively like one group based on their traits but not another

    “But as most men find oral (and anal) sex a distinctly pleasurable experience when with a woman, then your dislike is because the man is gay NOT the act he enters”

    Again a convenient and selective interpretation, for many its not as simple as it JUST being anal, although many straight men and women DO find that act abhorrent even when done by straight folks, but to many the idea of same sex intercourse IS abhorrent to them for a variety of reasons all as valid to them as the next as its a personal opinion, view, feeling and doesnt need to pass scrutiny to be allowable

    But where someone doesnt like gays because of the anal sex thing they ARE disliking gays for being gay as its pretty much a modal occurence for them, they would also dislike straight people who do it, but thats a different dislike even tho theres commonality but is only applied to a specific subset

    Where someone just morally disagrees with homosexuality they do dislike gays just for being gay, but when someone says that is an invalid dislike and asks them to be more liberal then they are being a hypocrit as they are incapable of being liberal to THAT persons dislikes and likes equally

    It really isnt a hard concept to grasp, honest


    “because your comments are ludicrously laughable”

    Makes most of my points for me as its exactly what I was describing throughout lol, so cheers for writing that

    As a point of fact tho, being or not being on a message board for long periods of time proves or disproves nothing more than wasting vast amounts of time being on a message board, and apart from this one being one of the slowest I have ever seen its no different to any of the other ones I am or have been on

    So try not to over stereotype eh? It just makes you seem a bit silly when criticising the act whilst doing it and doing it extremely poorly and innacurately into the bargain


    Picking up on an earlier point

    “noun an extreme and irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexuals”

    A phobia tp annything is an IRRATIONAL aversion, but unless you are going to create words like rapistaphobia, paedophileaphobia and the like I think we can ignore what academics would like us to think about people who dont like gays

    Thinking all gay people will try to hit on you IS an irrational aversion

    But not approving of what they do on moral or taste grounds isnt “irrational”, its quite the opposite infact, its a preference and an opinion

    The word homophobe only applies to people with such irrational reasons for dusliking them and not to people who dislike them on preference, moral grounds, religious grounds or just because they dont agree with it in a biological or sexual sense

    And merely disliking them does no more or less harm to them than them being gay does to the people who dislike them, so each can coexist most of the time with the other without incident

    Just because YOU dont share a view DOESNT in any reality but yours make it an irrational one, just differing tastes and viewpoints simple as



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