@Magoo wrote:
Summer is upon us, all those blokes will be off to the Costa’s to ogle all the fat porkers gorging themselves on chcocolate ice creams in tight bikini’s on the beaches… mmmm aren’t they lucky!
come on…. most of the blokes have huge beer bellies eh…. works both ways…. but aceptable that a guy can be a huge overweight person…. but a female…. ohhh NO… u men r all sexist… i mean Magoo…. u must admit… a few sites when the guys walkin aroon with their tops off eh…!!! plus there Jesus sandles with socks…!! i really don’t get that one lol my grandad used to put his socks rite up to his knee lmfao ohh the site… lol his nic-name was Belly La Grossi……. as he looked like Bella Lagosi ( guy who played dracula way way back lol except he had the huge beer belly lol