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  • #222533

    AbitofMary_J is Practically Perfect in everyway…………………..


    @did wrote:

    @drivel wrote:


    They are all slim here – look at the siggys or is that wishful thinking ??

    Theres nothing wrong with fat at all – just blokes prefer a slimmer version

    :lol: :lol: and women prefer men with a brain and a big di ck but we all dont find one of those do we :lol: :lol:

    your obviously looking in the wrong places Did – you won’t find brains in boxers !!!


    getting back to the topic , I don’t think super thin looks good
    If people are happy being what size they are , then that’s fine
    There again being too far overweight is not good for you , too much strain on the old ticker and it’s goodbye – and I don’t believe there will be any pie in the sky .
    Most promoted diets don’t work long term – they are short term fixes
    If your serious about losing weight and keepin it off – then you have to change the way you eat completely



    @pete wrote:

    I’d tell why that is but men give themselves a bad enough name without me adding to it
    Why are 99% of the posts here from women or about women why arent the same social pressures applied to men why do the adverts always show women when its a weight reducing product… just wondered
    As for me im overweight ashamed no… bothered yeah a bit i suppose but then vanity isnt just a female thing eh :lol:

    You look just fine and dandy as you are Mr :wink:


    @galaxy wrote:

    Bit off the topic but when I went to see bon jovi at the weekend I was feeling pretty down about myself and my weight. They sang a song I had never heard before and it had this lyric in it
    Remember that you’re perfect; God makes no mistakes.

    I’m not a religious person and I dont know if it was just the atmosphere but the song really touched me and I realised why should I care what other people think, why should a strangers comment who doesn’t know me affect me. I started feeling alot more positive about myself. We aren’t all the same, life would be boring if everyone looked the same and I always believe beauty comes from within, you can’t help the way you look on the outside on the whole and if someone expects you to change who you are physically then they dont truly care about you. Someone can look “perfect” ( if there is such a thing ) on the outside but have a horrible personality, and in a relationship looks will only go so far, its the person inside people fall in love with. The main thing is you’re happy yourself

    One of my fave songs it’s from his HAVE A NICE DAY album


    I actually have that album in the house just I’ve never listened to it. It’s just one of those songs that really meant something to me at the time


    It’s like all his his songs have a meaning at some point in all our lives glad you enjoyed the concert i can’t wait till i go on Sunday :D


    You’ll have a great time, I was pleasantly surprised by nickelback too. Hope the weathers as nice for you as it was when I saw them!


    I will be honest i have never been thin slim is more me i got a chunk here and there and i loved the size i was when i met my hubby and i am weight watching to get there 1 and a half stone in 6 weeks :D I dont want to be thin just thinner my hubby loves big bums and chunky women he loves my ass so i dont give a flying sh1t aslong as my man is happy and me but i want a few stone off 8)



    OK, not because im justifying it to the ” size obsessed folk” but ive put on weight since i stopped smoking, only 6 pounds, but so what?

    I know many a beautifull girl who are larger than me

    I believe in eating healthy, but im not gonna starve myself in fear that my fella may one day want to sh*g a skeleton!

    Why should i? :roll:

    But thats just me, everyones differnt.

    bes xx

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