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7 June, 2006 at 6:48 pm #222523
I’m size 14 and all woman :D ….funny how some men are intimidated by women who aren’t diet freaks eh? Pass me a pie and a pint any day and I’ll show you a magic trick :wink:
One of my friends is an absolutely stuning girl even though she is a very big girl and she has no end of admirers. It wouldn’t do for us all to like the same things in the opposite sex :)
7 June, 2006 at 6:52 pm #222524@giggles wrote:
I’m size 14 and all woman :D ….funny how some men are intimidated by women who aren’t diet freaks eh? Pass me a pie and a pint any day and I’ll show you a magic trick :wink:
One of my friends is an absolutely stuning girl even though she is a very big girl and she has no end of admirers. It wouldn’t do for us all to like the same things in the opposite sex :)
giggles ur sorted lets be mate an have a pie an several pints together sometime !!…n a purely platonic basis u understand :P
7 June, 2006 at 6:56 pm #222525im fookin starving…could murder a pie :?
7 June, 2006 at 6:56 pm #222526sorted is one way of describing me… a greedy a’r’se is another :lol: either way…. bovvered, not! :wink:
7 June, 2006 at 7:37 pm #222527ok i’ll bite lol
woz size 28 this time last year, now 20/22…….hmmmmm am i happy……yeah pretty much..
hugssssssssss xxxx
7 June, 2006 at 7:51 pm #222528@cath 55 wrote:
ok i’ll bite lol
woz size 28 this time last year, now 20/22…….hmmmmm am i happy……yeah pretty much..
hugssssssssss xxxx
ok so ur losing lots of weight …. wont hate u ….much… :evil: :evil: :evil:
go girl xx much love have nothing but respect for will power…altho ive yet to meet him:wink:
7 June, 2006 at 8:27 pm #2225297 times out of 10, bigger girls are more fun to get along with.. they have more go about them, thin girls seem to think they just need there figure to base there personailty upon
thats just my opinion anyways…
7 June, 2006 at 8:32 pm #222530sweets not gonna lose any more in the absence of money to ave evryfink tucked i aint gonna end up wiv all that orrible skin u see on the makeover programmes lol
an just to make u really sick i just lost it cos i woz ill lol…… i’m better just tryin to watch it hun…..dieted all me life an got me nowhere lol
7 June, 2006 at 9:08 pm #222531Was a size 20 this time last year. Happy, and got lots of attention from blokes who never looked at me twice before. Am now a 14, still happy….didn’t mi food and beer too much, but blokes ardly ever speak now. Hmmmm… :?
8 June, 2006 at 9:59 am #222532Bit off the topic but when I went to see bon jovi at the weekend I was feeling pretty down about myself and my weight. They sang a song I had never heard before and it had this lyric in it
Remember that you’re perfect; God makes no mistakes.I’m not a religious person and I dont know if it was just the atmosphere but the song really touched me and I realised why should I care what other people think, why should a strangers comment who doesn’t know me affect me. I started feeling alot more positive about myself. We aren’t all the same, life would be boring if everyone looked the same and I always believe beauty comes from within, you can’t help the way you look on the outside on the whole and if someone expects you to change who you are physically then they dont truly care about you. Someone can look “perfect” ( if there is such a thing ) on the outside but have a horrible personality, and in a relationship looks will only go so far, its the person inside people fall in love with. The main thing is you’re happy yourself
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