Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Norman chomsky recons………
31 May, 2018 at 8:53 am #1096964
Chomsky is quite specific regarding the failed EU project. Chomsky states in an interview with RT that “the EU ‘may’ fall apart due to failed neo-liberal policies.”
He also says-
“… post-World War II European integration was “designed to be dysfunctional” by creating a common currency without corresponding democratic controls meaning that “in Europe whoever is elected, no matter where they are on the political spectrum, the policies are going to be the same because they are not determined by the populations in their countries” but instead by “unelected bureaucracies.”
Chomsky then goes on to say:
“This neoliberal attack on democracy, Chomsky said, “has been exacerbated by extreme forms of austerity imposed particularly since 2008. Even International Monetary Fund economists recognize that this is economically absurd, but the IMF political actors are different and reject their own economists’ advice and this has been very harmful to democratic participation.”
Chomsky also directly attributes that failed EU policy with a rise of the far right.
While you could argue the EU has more environmental controls etc in place than the USA, you could also argue the EU has a similar economic view, eg the dismantling of workers rights, add in EU enforced austerity and you have a toxic mix which has directly led to a rise in “populism”.
The middle class pro EU doom bringers will happily trot out lies and misinformation all day long, thankfully the views of authors like Chomsky are easily accessible online now and don’t have to be accessed by forking out for an expensive book which was beyond the means of people on low incomes and nor was his work readily available in local libraries operating under budget restraints.
31 May, 2018 at 9:17 am #1096966Interestingly Chomsky also dismisses neo-liberalism of the past 35 years while discussing his support for Corbyn, including under Blair and directly states it has not represented the working class.
“”What happened to the Labour party through the neo-liberal years, it became, as many call it, Thatcherite, especially under Blair. It did not represent the working class.”
Apparently “neo-liberalism” under New Labour according to ‘some’, is such a vague term it means nothing important, Chomsky obviously disagrees.
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
31 May, 2018 at 10:28 am #1096970Only in hindsight can any one really see who was right or wrong but sadly…a lot of the time….that’s far too late…
31 May, 2018 at 12:21 pm #1096985I am used to people not giving me the curtesy of not posting a thought on my posts,but Ge and Alfie if you have a thought on my post, please, just say.
I’ll have a go, I am not that familiar with Chomsky (I have read parts of one book) and so can’t really comment in depth on what he says in particular. I do however think the current political and economic systems (in the West) are heading for a serious meltdown if they do not evolve rapidly and later in tune with automation. Brexit and Trump are two recent prime examples, Italy another, although that outcome isn’t clear yet. The rise of “populism” has given the political establishment a kick up the backside but they still don’t appear to be listening. The bullsh*t and propoganda churned out by the pro EU ruling liberal class being a prime example of a greedy self entitled class that puts its fingers in its ears and chants la la la. The corporatist EU with its neo liberal agenda, enforced austerity and mass economic migration has failed, what replaces it remains to be seen. Consumerism has made the West docile and reliant on crap it doesn’t need and that is a big problem on a planet with finite resources.
God you are thick lol, never read so much gluff in all my life. Hot air , googled tripe and nonsense from someone pretending to be more intelligent than they actually are with repeated rhetoric of phrases you don’t understand… embarrassing stuff.
31 May, 2018 at 12:28 pm #1096989God you are thick lol, never read so much gluff in all my life. Hot air , googled tripe and nonsense from someone pretending to be more intelligent than they actually are with repeated rhetoric of phrases you don’t understand… embarrassing stuff.
Lol. I post my sources Dan, unlike you, a common thief who demonstrates his crude language when it both can’t copy and paste others peoples far more eloquent lines.
31 May, 2018 at 12:51 pm #1096990I would answer your fatalistic analysis of human nature but
but, that would be unnecessary.
Morgan, I suggest that you read Kropotkin’s Mutual Aid,
I have read it many years ago. I wasn’t impressed. I didn’t like the political blight and twists. It seems, what you are indicating at with Kropotkin and Mutual Aid, falls under the larger Evolutionary Biological generic term of Altruism.
I’d recommend you read The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins. A century more modern than Kropotkin, and without the very dated political blights. Dawkins explains about mutual aid, or Altruism, and the opposite, sefishness. We have genes for both. Mutual aid / Altruism is as natural as going to the toilet. It is in our nature to work together for the benefits of all, to improve our chances of survival. Caveman figured that out. Lions have figured that out.
Don’t forget individualism. As important it is we unite, and I help you to survive so as you can help me to survive, we are all individuals, some quite fiercely individualistic too.
I think Darwin and many other writers have covered this important part of Evolutionary Biology better, and without a political twist. I don’t think Evolutionary biology is ready to incorporate political concepts of anarchism and communism etc. It certainly wasn’t 100 odd years ago in Kropotkins time. The harsh, cold atheistic Stalinist regime may well have emerged from that sort of mentality. Some argue Nazi-ism grew from Nietschze’s mentality. It would be a recipe for disaster in my opinion.
You seem to assume that Darwinists automatically advocate Social Darwinism, which is far from the case. They are two very different things not to be confused. Dawkins today says in so many words that Social Darwinism would be a nightmare and hell on earth.
your view isn’t as clearly obvious as you seem to think it is
It may not be for you, But it is for me. As you say, this is a complex matter and writing a few words will not cover it. I’m sure with conversation, or my writing a book, it would all be very obvious.
Enjoy your break.
31 May, 2018 at 5:56 pm #1096998Jamief, nice thread.
Would like to say when I finished high school, thank goodness I never wanted to go back.. done with it. Sadly, profession held to get increase pay or advancement had to go to uni. Think scep said it but those who have been I saw, either went for fun get away from home, party. Some thought super smart reading books not studying had no common sense. Others like me took our studies seriously because we had other goals needed to obtain. As said to do what I have done basically required. Other wise may still have not had gone. Life is school for me. I still learn every day. Don’t we all.
As for your personal life, think I read u have or are being careful. That is all that counts.
When I read philosopher’s some times I see it here. Those who favor or have belief in whom read. As I respect those of scholars, opinions, belief, my opinion as one said here survival of fitess. Seem to agree. More power and money as for leadership, control become in power. We the little guy have to live in environment which forms a structure, set of guidelines as you will. We conform to what makes each of us comfortable..or what expected to do.
Some times wish we could all grow together, live in peace and growth. Sadly, control becomes greedy, selfish. Power from wealth important to persuade others.
But this life, no……
31 May, 2018 at 7:02 pm #1097003Ge, every line has either liberalism , ” neo liberalism ” islamophobia or homophobia in it just continually regurgitated to make yourself appear more intellectual than you are. When challenged with your own views, you fall back on little hands/ Alfie episodes to deflect away from what you actually know yourself on topics… which is next to nothing
31 May, 2018 at 7:17 pm #1097004Ge, every line has either liberalism , ” neo liberalism ” islamophobia or homophobia in it just continually regurgitated to make yourself appear more intellectual than you are. When challenged with your own views, you fall back on little hands/ Alfie episodes to deflect away from what you actually know yourself on topics… which is next to nothing
Is this where you stalk me like you have stalked every single man in room two Dan?
Will you threaten to beat me up like you have threatened to beat up every other single man in room 2?
Will you spam some random pic of a fat man with for weeks with “Ge is a pedo” scrawled on it in crayon, just like you did to all the other men in room 2?
You’re really scary Daniel, your tiny little hands tap tapping away franticly, your little fat face red with anger and rage. Please don’t scare me Dan.
31 May, 2018 at 8:12 pm #1097005Interestingly Chomsky also dismisses neo-liberalism through the neo-liberal years, it became, as many call it, Thatcherite, especially under Blair. It did not represent the working class.” Apparently “neo-liberalism”.
zzzzzzzzzzz parrot boy
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
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