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  • #9422

    Has there ever been an East Anglia meet?


    yes janey, all the strangers meet up and they call it a family get-together

    p.beardley’s sister


    Well when is the next one!!?????


    Why don’t YOU organise one Janey??? You could post invitations with an RSVP to that 0900 number you work for.

    That way all those who can’t attend could still take part in some way ???


    Have never organized anything before….

    how do you really go about it to ensure people turn up???

    My phone line will be soooooo hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    :shock: I have never seen such an enthusiastic person in my life. Is she the energiser bunny?


    I might be……
    just want to have FUN and chat to lots of interesting people….

    you lot are not failing me…so please keep up the good work!!!!!


    @bobbysgirl wrote:

    :shock: I have never seen such an enthusiastic person in my life. Is she the energiser bunny?

    Its a big ol wind up..Just go with the flow for a while,
    then watch the fireworks. :wink:


    I’m going with the flow…..and can’t wait for the fireworks!!!!
    Hope they come before November 5th!!!!!!!????



    Dont be letting PB or Fastcars near any fireworks or they`ll be blanks :lol: :lol: :lol:

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