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  • #1011389

    Ellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hunnie x x x x

    it should do cordy was such a good pic i just had to share it here

    here is another brill pic my mate dave took it just captures  the eerieness of the evening

    and one i took last year when it snowed by the river i so hope it snows this year

    Starry Night took near the end of the summer


    That isn’t really the point. That photo, as well as others that I’ve shared on my privately set Facebook  account and photography website, are subject to copyright laws, which is stated on the homepage of my website.  A friend is currently making enquiries regarding getting some of my photographs published, so it’s a bit unfair to see someone helping themselves and re-posting my efforts, as if it were their own.


    i message u hun on face book asking if i could post it here and if it wasnt to let me know i didnt get a reply so i presumed it was ok sorry

    but i didnt say i had took the pic at any point just called it by the title u gave it

    sorry honestly thought because u hadnt replied no it was ok to do so  you should know by now hun i would never want to upset anyone hence  i asked maybe i should have worded the message i sent better but please believe me i did send you a message i wouldnt dream of just taking itonce again my appologies


    The bumblebee photo has been removed.

    This is a great thread. However, (and this isn’t targeted to any one individual, but to everyone reading this) if you didn’t take the photo you are thinking about posting, please make sure you have the photographer’s permission before posting.


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    I Thought, maybe wrongly, it was to post photos we have taken ourselves? I take mine with my phone spur of moment.

    Having had some of my “stuff” plagiarised (a poem) when I posted it on another site, I can honestly say I really was upset (no copyright law was involved).

    bit disappointed now :unsure:


    Tut tut naughty step for you Angel  :yes:

    **where’s the waggy finger doda when you need it**


    Nothing norty reason it was a missunderstanding for which ive explained and appologised for.

    I Thought, maybe wrongly, it was to post photos we have taken ourselves? I take mine with my phone spur of moment. Having had some of my “stuff” plagiarised (a poem) when I posted it on another site, I can honestly say I really was upset (no copyright law was involved). bit disappointed now :unsure:

    Yes you thought wrongly laine, Just like i did,  My friend Dave agreed i could post his picture and i thought Cordy had also as explained in my earlier post.

    Most of the pictures on the thread were  taken by myself of the rivers moon flowers and country side around me and where i live  most are taken with my camera but a few were taken on my phone

    here is a couple i took of the river which runs across the bottom of the building  i work in i often take my camerea and take a few pics of ppl walking there dogs or the fisherman


    Reason your wish is granted …

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    That’s the one  :-)


    Okay, firstly, thanks for deleting the photo, Martin.

    Secondly, I’ve checked to be certain, but I did not receive a message from you, AngelBabe asking about that photo, the only message I received from you was dated the 9th April and was regarding the seeds I’d sent you. I’ve had messages from others around the time I posted that photo, but nothing from you. I would have replied, if I had.

    Just some advice, but maybe it’s worth commenting on a persons photo, if you’ve ( allegedly ) sent them a message and not received a reply. It would save this kind of situation arising again.  :good:

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