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  • #194623


    thanks m8. :D

    i will hold ur fan close to me head…so i can get a good blow :shock: to cool me down :lol:



    You can hold it has close has you like………it will blow softly or more vigourous……….all u have to do is push the right buttons………. :wink: on the fan of course………. :lol:



    u’ll have to show me which buttons to press :shock: guide my finger to the right spot :shock: on the fan i mean :lol:



    OH my….. :shock:

    Ime sure with a bit of practice…………….all the right buttons would be pressed……..on the fan that is…………… :lol:



    am sure i’ll get the hang of it eventually… doubt u’ll let me know when i’ve hit the right spot :shock: by letting out a sigh of relief :shock: cos u won’t have to show me anymore :lol:



    Oh you will be left in no doubt that you have hit the right spot…………..I will let out a scream of pleasure……………knowing you finally hit it……………….the right button that is …….on the fan …………… :lol:



    so i’ll be able to turn it on just by hitting the right button :shock: ur fan of course :lol:



    Oh ime sure that with practice you would be able to turn it on and off has required …… the fan that is ………….. :lol:



    aye…i’ll just keep flickin it m8…that should get it goin :shock: the fan i mean :lol:

    u comfortable m8? got ur feet up? :lol:



    Oh you got it …………..u just flick it until u get it just were u want it ………….. then await the outcome……….the gentle breeze from the fan that is ………… :lol:

    Ime very comfortable thanx m8……….. :lol:

    Ime laid back and so relaxed………… :wink:

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