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  • #1066574

    the cycle wars

    mr q has got a new back pack,and this time he means business.


    did I see our milks saying top gun?

    I was saving that for belle

    top gun

    belle  has had justabout enough and wades through the swamps of Louisiana,hitch hikes  to colorado

    and finds her dream man,yup no mill worker or burger flipper for our belle

    she has ambitions no waitress job for her ,waiting to be used on a Hollywood casting couch.

    her sights are set higher  fgs this is belle she doesn’t settle for mere minions

    so  she married a pilot yeh a pilot can you believe that ?

    and er they all lived happily ever after………………………not.

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    Belle wading through the swamps hitching ride to Colorado, does not need to get dirty, can easily get on highway and use her thumb to get assistance. Explaining to the kind driver who provides lift, Belle tells the driver needs to escape as has been chained to a bed post for 20 plus years. Kidnapped and fed very little but every other day.. goes with out water for a week..escaped her kidnapper by using a hair pin when kidnapper not looking. Needs to start over but with limited education not sure what she will be able to do..
    Kind driver drops her off at this friendly diner he has stopped by for years..

    Why would you assume Belle would not want to be with a local mill worker or burger flipper, she may be interested in the local mechanic who comes to diner twice a day for his meals. But then one day the mechanic is run over by a new driver, dies by a gypsy who knew to ride horses, first time in a car. What if belle not interested in Hollywood auditions and sitting on a couch, but perhaps be a cook at diner she learns to love and likes the locals.

    What if the gypsy Belle forgives for killing mechanic promises to teach her to ride a horse, and waits for the gypsy who never shows up.

    And what would you say Belle meets a pilot who comes to diner once a week as in town on business and falls in love with her and wants to marry her?

    Losing the only love the mechanic, Belle would like to marry the pilot but frustrated would like to wait for the gypsy to return, as she feels she rather partner with him. She likes both, but not sure who will fill her heart for the rest of her days…who should she then marry to finally make her real dream come true. The gypsy or the pilot? Does she finally live happily ever after, and with whom? Who should she trust?


    Final part for belle is the mechanic she thought loved turned out to be her kidnapper…!!!! Wore 2 faces….

    Belle needs to decide so how will she live happily ever after…?


    Orson said you work with Chatguides, know them.. what does that mean from chat host guide on the Internet thread page 2.

    Would have asked privately…? Not sure who addressing with…


    Dead Silence from the audience?

    Well sad no applause, thrown roses, or critics of the media reporting…

    Will have to wait the appropriate calling hour to speak to theater owner, but have faxed message that personal contact will be made today to see why the curtain seems suddenly jammed, and other actors now have not reported in to do performance.


    Actor has officially asked.. resignation papers filed.

    The company performers are not a cast.. they split and divide leaving the new actor in dark constantly being challenged and criticized. Dumb to the cast they feel in the first place, humiliated and lied to when coming in not a performer in first place but just learning wanting to fit in..explain repeatedly to audience not part of cast, thrown in anyway.

    Swept often under carpet, given crap roles, defeated actor goes home to learn again another attack made regarding stupidity and no knowledge. She hangs her hat up for the night, and silently goes to bedroom, change into p.j.’s. Getting ready to get under covers she sheds her last tears, and knows tomorrow will be a better day. No longer being a used, lied to actor who could not perform in first place.

    All deserve an award on performance.. sorry if do not attend ceremony.


    you do like to hang onto my every word dontcha linda?

    but in a way I like it,it shows you are paying attention

    would you like to work for me linda?



    This fish got caught up on the bait..thanks. impressive. Nice worms….

    Always very observant, the eyes of the fish always watched unsure….knew for some time prey….just did not know when hook would get caught in mouth…I bit, I got caught instead of going upstream…

    Work for you?????? Perhaps if had not used such a meat fatty worm, which love to play with as well, this fish would have not swallowed so hard…now I hope your digestive system is sick..because you will never catch this dumb/stupid fish again…

    As you swallow your last best fish ever caught, hope you enjoyed it…as it may taste sweet to you, This fish hopes went down wrong pipe and very very bitter..



    P.s. by the way..get me out…..

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