Boards Index › General discussion › Art, poetry, music and film › My Sweetheart is a Troll
9 February, 2018 at 12:44 am #1087412
So you learned i was hooked by manipulators Linda? interesting…..shame like a lot on here over the time listen far too much too information given by other people. Probably half the problem you complain about….you listen to too much other crap from people. i mean who are these people you learned from as you said? People fall out with one another at times perhaps but when they say, oh i learned from this person or that person it becomes laughable to be honest.
The truth of the matter fell out with Sarah (mizzy) and you stopped talking to me at the same time because i am friends with her.Then you started accusing me of being a troll etc.
I think it was Sarah and me who had your back all the time you had Ruby going on at you for being some one else. The honest truth is you stopped talking to me but your quite happy to give your opinion or likes whem i m having a bit of a bash with say Sceptical Guy.
By the way….im against biching o nthe boards which is why i don’t carry it on any longer than it has 2 but as you decided that King should have your one sided story i felt inclined to correct you.
As for Milkman..hes been stirred up bu Orson Kart for 2 long. Last August i did 510 miles around the south west on my bike and my statement was that i would e attempting scotland the next year which is this. If you research many cyclists who have done this trip…it is quite possible to do the trip in 5 days depending on how little sleep you get.
And also how fit you are and how dedicated. As it happens, i won’t be doing Scotland this year but doing a longer trip around the South West going right back as far as Swanage before the trip home.
Incidentally..i often speak my mind to my own detriment in some cases but no harm really intended. Personally…if i have a problem with some one on a serious scale…i d talk to them privately first…thing is, notice how on the boards if you get a disagreement with some one then it’s not long before likes appear and other peoples opinions and thus the bitching commences.
You listen to other peoples advice about me then really you are asking for trouble and why did you get this advice in the first place? the cause of most problems…never asking the person involved directly.
As for Milkman peace to you m8 as well but dont treat me the way Orson Kart has influenced you .
Any way peace to sceppers and somer as well…
This is a chat site yes but a high percentage of the rooms and boards just ends up talking about each other negatively than any thing worth while, goaded on by the many trolls or people who just like being entertained by people being at each others throats.
Peace to you as well linda…….no harm intended.
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9 February, 2018 at 2:16 am #1087414Well misterq. Thank you for response, serious one too. I am very appreciative for it.
I was never upset with u ever… sadly u decided to listen to missy repeatedly lie to you and deny what she was doing with her mate..alfie.. I backed away in your support.
SHE ONLY ONE HERE KNEW MY AGE. SHE DISCLOSED IT. never on my Id as u know I told u…
SHE knew what I did for living disclosed that too. As other trolls went after me, Making fun, her name “sairs” appeared openly accused me of same lies. How does a supposed friend do that.
Privately told her of my accident at work, I was devastated beyond repair as to a terrible change to deal with physical. As a woman scared to DEATH. Truly, many many complications for 2 months prior till surgery could be done, I CRIED WITH A TOTAL STRANGER, thinking my friend.. next thing 3 weeks after my surgery comments coming out by her mates about my accident which disclosed then, while my suppose friend took it to a limit, went after Mario and I both with no teeth… old….so forth. U call that a friend, instigator for her pleasure. No thank you….No friend.
Now if she recall or not, excuse used or not if u read or not she has publicly stated in writing several times, does not remember what said, enjoys and pleasures in it. Privately I did reach out to you. You abandoned my efforts….
As for scep, he has always been kind. May have asked questions, made comments, never cruel to degree others have treated me.
As for cosy and milky, u know what i said private about cosy. U disagreed. Nothing more said..U hated him..As for milky understand friends for long time. True mates. I don’t think as perhaps I know milky better than u, much much more, he would ever ever be ruled or influenced by ANYONE..that I know for sure, so don’t assume he listens to anyone… NEVER EVER ASSUME WHERE I AM CONCERNED. And I have never stepped down or away from cosy if he right or wrong. May disagree some times, but he a much better friend then u think…
So I wish u no bad feelings either, we moved apart, king would have made more entertainment for other trolls.
So we both openly admitted it, what happen.
As for others u mention, they have not been unkind to me. If others opinions they no good does it mean I too have to think they no good..No, Misterq. I make my own judgments. I take NO SIDES..
Thank you again. Moving forward
9 February, 2018 at 12:08 pm #1087433SUCH LIES
Being accused of such nonsense by Linda!! – Misterq you are quite right in what you say.
Linda you told many people your business, your age your job you ranted on about it all on the boards ffs yet you conveniently accuse me of all that – what cos I’m not very popular and you jump on the bandwagon to get attention.
Ive avoided the boards til now. Stop telling great big whopping porkie pies love and stop commenting and ruining peoples threads with your garbled nonsense about total and utter bollocks.
This was a thread about a poem someone wrote, you have no respect and are just a troll pure and simple.
If you are going to make up lies try to remember back to your early posts where YOU RAMBLED ON AND TOLD EVERYONE ABOUT YOUR JOB AND YOUR TEETH YOU GROTTY LYING TOERAG.
There is no ‘conspiracy’ here you told everyone your business and when I warned you about a certain male chatter who had tried it on with me you got all jealous and possessive about it because you thought he only liked you when the dude was a player and you then decided to ‘unfriend’ me and accuse me of allsorts.
I warned you because we were friends I wish I had not have warned you and allowed you to have got hurt cos maybe then youd not have spread vicious grotty lies about me ‘telling people your business’ and ‘betraying’ you. The people who do like me here know I do not do that crap.
Bored of your lies, bored of you focussing on my friends, bored of your unfunny hee hee’s and lies about coming to the uk when you probably wont.
Bored full stop.
Martin – please would you delete all comments not relating to the title of this thread. People should feel they can post up poetry without others trolling their lying crap all over it.
Now if this thread had been called ‘thread you can troll and bitch about people on’ these nasty negative comments would have been very fitting.
Thank you
- This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by Sairs73.
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9 February, 2018 at 1:48 pm #1087441Sairs what you on now, memory loss..
Give me a break. Honestly when started to read ur lies, came in for response.
You are full of it. Need to look up “lies” in dictionary. If I recall when happened, even nemesis came out and said you did wrong…
As far as other stuff u shared my stuff with your mate. I did say he blew it out, you eventually agreed ms. Innocent I was a liar.
So go paint your nails, show your toes, complain about your sagging boobies and perform your Queen status, which you do well. Hope you paying off worker bees nice.
Because you No friend…….
9 February, 2018 at 1:56 pm #1087444P.s. jealous of attention that your issue.!
I go out of my home, have friends, do things. Have a life…
And also as I said never lie, the crap that came out about me people asked me. Was so repetitive attacks I was liar. and your fello mates on a roll never Letting things drop.
Jealous, haa. Glad am not u…
It was a poem thread king opened up question, just as he did that night when u and mates went after me about age. I told him then… He asked. I didn’t lie, u all tried to make me look like a Arse.
So go play queen, I am done with you…
9 February, 2018 at 9:57 pm #1087487Hey Linda and Sarah…good to see you both. This match going to end in check – mate or stale mate? LOL sorry you know me always thinking ahead…LOL
9 February, 2018 at 10:01 pm #1087488I just thought of a great joke…nah…i’ll use it another time.
9 February, 2018 at 10:09 pm #1087489Sarah’s always a friend of mine and your hacking into her linda….Do you actually have any actual evidence for your accusations? no? oh well….case dismissed
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