Boards Index › General discussion › Art, poetry, music and film › My Sweetheart is a Troll
30 January, 2018 at 1:25 pm #1086697
My sweetheart is a troll.
So everyone does say.
She trolls them all night.
She trolls them again all day.
She troll them in every name.
All the numbers too.
The room gets full of trolls.
Its like being in a zoo.
She trolls them when they are awake.
She trolls them when they sleep.
Well if she is a troll.
Then she is my troll to keep.
Forever she will be my love.
I don’t care what you say.
She will always be my sweetheart.
So the real trolls can go and play.
Any resemblance to anyone dead or alive is pure coincidence.
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30 January, 2018 at 4:19 pm #1086710Hugs says trollers not nice too, but admits this one in his keep so it ok,for you know who.
My, my, this sounds so sweet,
Move over I need a seat, as this really is a treat……So do not say hugs you agree that trollers should be reported, as u support those who in your favor truly support who you think rollers…
So my dream team love and I reported as trolls, we will laugh at what you you simply are making this so old….
You care for none but what you need, I really hope u happy as a bee. Hee hee..
30 January, 2018 at 5:19 pm #1086716Hugs your a sicko, glad you found another, so wow you Go pricko! Sure your true love watching as she keeps spying, to help you finish what she needs replying.. Your poems of love for one is sweet, assume she happy as a peep. So keep your words close and near, as she may run away in fear. Glad u happy as me and mine, Love is grand when the real thing fine. Have nice day!
This women saying I am sick.
To troll and call me a prick.
With JC hubby can’t miss a trick
This pair of trolls get on my wick.
30 January, 2018 at 6:04 pm #1086717Its all shyte.
30 January, 2018 at 6:33 pm #108671930 January, 2018 at 7:39 pm #1086720You called a prick as I have been called a hick, so take your wick and toss it in the crick.
As Mario a friend, why do you condemn, he no poet, so why not find another, and befriend, as we all know it.
So my hubby and I wish you well as we stand and wave and love near by. Bring your saying forward, will not pass them by, rather have them fry… I no poet… and all know it, and reasons for it so I do try and,
Show it.U and mate eat the cake, as me and mine will take no bait….
We stand by what we say as you will see, you two we wish your happy as both snails can be.
P.s. some words in my poem directed to me by your mate public forum, oops you missed…
30 January, 2018 at 8:32 pm #1086726OMG Good Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is this poem about Hugs or was it just a generic one?
So funny, I didn’t know you had it in you, I’m so impressed.
You have a great sense of humour hugs.
I cannot stop laughing.
If I were you hugs id ignore the negative comments honey. Not everyone enjoys poetry or are intelligent enough to understand it .
Well done you should write more.
30 January, 2018 at 8:41 pm #1086727Like
Who is this poem all about.
This I can not say.
It is my secret to keep.
But I may tell you one day.
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
hugs and wink.
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30 January, 2018 at 8:45 pm #1086729Queen bee out as I call her you see,as she know it from me.. hee hee.
She loves your poems you both so know it..let me laugh as i read….and think if I agree.
My poems are not easy as said before, as the only poet at jc, she know it….umm others not free…so they don’t try and blow it.
I care not what she or mate say, as I laugh and ignore it, as all in love and war go forth and run over it….
30 January, 2018 at 8:53 pm #1086732LOL! Must admit poem or rhyme by Hugs was rather clever and funny. Made me laugh any way…..spontaneity…. i like it.
When the day’s fishing is over and it’s all been about…hugs did one good and threw back the old trout…LMAO……aside from all this, i’m off for a ..cup of coffee….LOL….yer night will go with out a hitch if you resist the urge to bitch…I looked at my coat on the way home and it needs a new stitch (or 2) Hmmm think i’ll chuck it in the moat and just buy a new coat. LOL
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