Boards Index 10 years of Just Chat Stories and memories My Most fondest memories

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  • #14560

    God now i remember so many users from JC back in early 2000 and mid 2005

    So may hard to remember some ups and downs mostly from F1/F2 although had a dabble in F3 for some yrs too,

    So let`s start

    First of all there was F1,
    Serendipity-(AP) What an amazing woman she was truely made everyone happy and was always up for a laugh and always kept me straight lol

    VC1- what a biatch lol but a nice one at that lol
    a great sense of humor who will never forget her birthday with me :wink:

    Snuggles,Such a lovely lass always had a great laugh and joke with u and will never forget the chats we did have.

    Gambit-Always thought u wasa miserable git but i know different now after many tellings off lol

    RedDevil(f)-Ok now this one is a weird one didnt think i would honestly get along with her but i did and was a great laugh.
    Now onto F2

    Angel2 -What a lovely lass who i will never ever forget her trying to marry everyone off in the forum.

    HotRod-What can i say a true git in his own making although i must say he did make my nights go by arguing with everone in the rooms


    Pixie-true woman to everyword and always had something nice to ssay about everyone was a pleasure to know.
    Logan0-What can one say about this guy
    well he was hard to work out and proberly no one to this day will but he was always honest to most people about things and others not i had regular run-ins with him but still he was ok .

    *Lily*-Loved this lass couldnt have met a nice woman to chat to and getalong like a house on fire sadly she dissappeared offline and never came back.
    Kelly-Was another lass true to her word and was always making the rooms laugh

    Tommo-Now we all know he was a tw@! but he was always open and honest with me and made me laugh when in F1.

    well thats my storys from the last 2000 and proberly mremember some more
    sadly most of these regs have gon awaol on us and proberly are now part of the jc mentaal assylum

    heres to another 10yrs of JC


    Didn’t Logan reincarnate as Cage? In which case I think we all have him worked out now! :lol:


    Im not sure but he was a erm odd character lol


    yes logan came back as cage and hello toxic x


    ahhhhhhhh the memories haha. shindig, tommo, dave, stella, mav, bbgal, foxylady. was such a giggle back then alas i have little time to spend on here these days but like to pop by now and then to say hello. any old members who remember me way back in early 2000’s hello and all the best x


    freaky remembers ‘long-dong-cam’ what a guy! we had so many laughs

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